So my husband and I have been really weighing the pros and cons between inland and outland applications. At the moment we're leaning mostly towards applying outland, and that's for several reasons.
Now I know some people have also applied for a work permit when they send their inland application in, and I'm wondering how that works. Our deciding factor would be whether or not I would be able to work during the application process. Currently I have a job and am living here in the United States. I don't want to give up my job until I absolutely need to. However, my husband's work is currently looking to hire some new people. They have mentioned that they would keep me in mind for a position, and there's a fairly decent chance I could get the job if I were able to legally work in Canada. This would be an ideal situation for my husband and I, as it would allow us to spend time together and earn money in the process. Neither one of us would mind the longer processing time and the only reason we could see for me needing to leave Canada during the application process is if I have a family emergency (which is highly unlikely, but always possible.)
So yeah. How does applying inland and being able to work there... work? For those of you wondering, my husband works at a local gas station.
Now I know some people have also applied for a work permit when they send their inland application in, and I'm wondering how that works. Our deciding factor would be whether or not I would be able to work during the application process. Currently I have a job and am living here in the United States. I don't want to give up my job until I absolutely need to. However, my husband's work is currently looking to hire some new people. They have mentioned that they would keep me in mind for a position, and there's a fairly decent chance I could get the job if I were able to legally work in Canada. This would be an ideal situation for my husband and I, as it would allow us to spend time together and earn money in the process. Neither one of us would mind the longer processing time and the only reason we could see for me needing to leave Canada during the application process is if I have a family emergency (which is highly unlikely, but always possible.)
So yeah. How does applying inland and being able to work there... work? For those of you wondering, my husband works at a local gas station.