Got it, but what you mention is actually great news. If the agent who called you said that they would be sending you your "landing papers", most likely meaning the letter from your local CIC office for the landing interview, you most definitely got both stages approved.
Also, this is very good news for everyone here since this means that CIC is proactively working to expedite those cases that already fulfill with all requirements. This means shorter times for the Second Stage of Approval, which is nothing short of a total blessing.
About that, when we first sent out the application we were pretty much aware of that fact that once CIC receives the package, and verifies that all required info is there and that all forms have been filled out appropriately, nobody really touches it again until it is time for an agent to asses the First Stage of Approval.
In our original package, that weighed about 5 pounds, we included, of course, medical examinations plus police clearances, both of which are intended for the Second Stage of Approval. However, we were paying close attention to the expiration (expiry) dates of my wife's FBI and police clearances as well as her medicals, both of which did expire as we waited for the First Stage of Approval. Although CIC is quite forgiving when it comes to police clearances from the USA, medicals is a whole different story. However,
instead of waiting for CIC to request new medicals after AIP, we made sure that they would have them way BEFORE the First Stage was assessed, which we believed would help expedite the whole process. And we were right!

. Yes, that means that we paid twice for medicals, but if that was the one thing that was going to help my wife get her PR sooner, it was well worthy, and it proved to be the right thing to do.
I am hopeful and confident that many more people will get both stages approved at the same time, provided that all documents are valid by the time the First Stage is decided!! Do not wait for them to ask you for something you already know they will need. Be proactive! Good luck to everyone!!