Hi guys,
I wonder if one of you can assist

I am waiting for the second stage since June 21ST 2012 and the reason for it as the "agent" say all the time is "background checks".
I just received my foss notes today via email and would like to ask a question if I may:
I read that I passed medical and criminality sections(police certificate from my country).
The only thing I see and don't understand is that I have seen more than 20 activities regarding security screening (most were empty) and the one before the final said:activity number 20
Activity type:RCMP screening
Status:no reportable Trace
On an earlier note it also added that the RCMP report had a validity until:2012/22/09 which obviously passed.
So is it possible that CIC noticed that they were too late with rapping up my application and needed to resend the request to RCMP?
Are there any other screening methods besides RCMP?
Thank you guys!