Our case is very simple: no kids, no previous marriages, no criminal records (we never even got a speed or alcohol ticket lol), I did my medicals and I should be ok (only time I've been in a hospital was for the appendix 20 years ago and on monday my blood pressure and heart beat were perfect). I sent my police certificates last year and CIC told me they don't expire (also I haven't gone back to Italy since I applied for PR).
Only because you are so nice

I got another question if u have time: Did you sent also Canadian police certificate? I didn't because I believed if CIC wants they can check, but I read lots of people did it. I also sent to CIC copies of our Ontario driver's licences just in case they wanna check, they have already the numbers

trying to make their job easier lol
Oh yeah MEGA PARTY IN TORONTO...when? who knows...But I will do it! and straight after we are organising our wedding in Barbados in April 2013 (if my PR gets approved)
My partner always tell me that one/two years waiting compare to a lifetime together is nothing

and he's right!