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IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018

Please evaluate my essay. I'd be glad if u can help me out.

In some cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a problem. What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?
Globally, certain urban areas are experiencing terrible traffic and a major reason cited for this menace is huge number of vehicles on roads. Where is this reason cited? Paraphrase the essay topic. If you are giving your reasoning make it clear it is your reasoning. Do not make it messy

There are various profound Google the meaning of profound and think again if this word makes sense here. solutions which needs immediate implementation to circumvent this issue. Solutions .... need ... subject verb agreement .. Subject is plural you need verb for plural
Weak introduction and few grammar mistakes.

Apparently, Why is it apparent?

the rapidly increasing population in urban areas is a major reason for high traffic. Firstly, only urban areas are prioritised for industrial and infrastructure projects so many people migrate towards these for better job opportunities and standard of living. In India, for instance, many graduates migrate to Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai and Hyderabad for high paying jobs and facilities these cities offer. So focusing development of urban areas lead to increase in population. Ok fair argument but the argument is hanging. It is not closed. Link it to the traffic problem. Do not expect the examiner to connect the dots
Fair idea very flawed execution.

Another significant reason is poor public transportation facilities offered in these urban areas. Because of heavily crowded local trains and buses and their poor frequency, people cannot rely on public transportation which in turn forces every individual to find an easy alternate option to commute. As a result, people purchase more vehicles for commuting which chokes these urban areas.
This is good

Nevertheless, there are solutions which the Government need to implement to tackle the traffic issues. Firstly, You use too many "Firstly"

as part of its due diligence, What due diligence?

Government should improve the infrastructure considering the rapidly increasing population by widening roads, introducing comfortable and frequent buses and trains. Singapore, for instance, is managing its traffic amazingly despite its dense population by operating frequent buses and trains.

Lastly, Nothing in between Firstly and Lastly??

Government should take measure to curb the migration of people by ensuring development happens bilaterally Google the meaning of this word. I can't see how it fits here

instead of urban areas.
I get the ideas but the execution is all over the place. The paragraph flow needs to be much better.

To conclude, drastically increasing number of vehicles and partial development I know what you are trying to convey but it is not getting conveyed here.

is the primary cause for heavy traffic which can be curbed if Government can vehemently improve their public transportation and focus developing rural area by providing facilities and job opportunities.
You are using a lot of words but I think a little out of context and good use. There are ideas and they are not very far off the topic but you are struggling in the C&C portion of the test. It needs to be better to make sure you score what you desire.

Again, same suggestion read more. The secret to writing a good essay is first figuring out what is a good essay. And the only way of doing is to read more essays and also read more reviewed essays on these pages. There is lots of stuff in these pages but you need to spend more time to read everything.

All the best!


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi Cansha, May you be kind enough to check my below written essay & shed some light on Errors that i have made in this.

Question - Both Government & Individuals are spending vast amounts of money protecting animals & their Habitat. This money could be better spent dealing with fundamental issues in society such as poverty & health care.

To what extent do you agree?
Introduction - These days large amount of expenditure being made by the administrators & various bodies on saving non human species and their shelters while the same funds could bring more satisfactory results if spent to tackle basic problems like indigence & medical care for social welfare.
Okay so there is paraphrasing. Where is the opinion and your thesis statement for the essay? This is half the introduction here.

BD 1 - Although, it is only human being’s moral responsibility to look after dumb animals & provide them a place to live. I don't know the relevance of this sentence here.

However, I believe that there are lots of imperative obligations which could not be overlooked by the government & individual, some of them are offering very basic necessities such as food, clean water, home & proper health care.

Therefore, ruling party should keep a check on these factors and invest citizens’ taxed money on public welfare; they could make sure that there are enough medical facilities are available for deprived people. For Instance – They should run a free health Check up campaign time to time in public hospitals for those who could not afford those expensive tests in private Clinics.
So here is the thing. The topic says money should be spent on basic amenities. You have written so many lines and you are saying the same thing that money should be spent on basic needs. BUT where is the "Why" answered. You have not made your stance clear WHY we need to spend on clean water and healthcare compared to saving animal habitats. Well you may say oh isn't that obvious why? Yes, may be but why would they ask the question in an essay format then. This is a case of saying a lot of things but not answering anything. Good luck with this.

BD 2 - Furthermore, In order to diminish the health care issues, government could also spend money on various projects, Okay you are a bit here now on the why. You want to diminish health care issues. What are these issues though? As a reader I need to know already?

For Example
– regular fogging operations to kill harmful mosquitoes on the street & keep them at bay from spreading many diseases.

There could be sufficient number of public parks & supply clean filtered drinkable water, In addition, construction of public offices & health centers projects which could generate employment for its nationals that would give opportunities for those who are under educated & do not possess any special skills, it would ultimately a step to suppress the poverty to a great extent.
Buddy you went from fogging for mosquitoes to parks to drinking water to health centers to employment all in two sentences. Damn! Do you see any problem with this?

At the end of the passage examiner would ask okay what is your point? You are all over the place. It is clear either you had a sudden rush of ideas while writing this passage or you did not spend enough time in organizing your thoughts. Whatever may be the cause result is a messy essay.

In conclusion, Human’s basic requirements should be given higher priority over animals by the administrator because if their needs are well fulfilled & taken care of then they could help the government to protect animals from getting abused & look after them.
Conclusion is super weak.

You really need to spend more time in understanding essay structures and how to answer these questions. Also, please go back atleast 30 pages and read other reviews.


Star Member
Nov 10, 2018
Weak introduction and few grammar mistakes.

Fair idea very flawed execution.

This is good

I get the ideas but the execution is all over the place. The paragraph flow needs to be much better.

You are using a lot of words but I think a little out of context and good use. There are ideas and they are not very far off the topic but you are struggling in the C&C portion of the test. It needs to be better to make sure you score what you desire.

Again, same suggestion read more. The secret to writing a good essay is first figuring out what is a good essay. And the only way of doing is to read more essays and also read more reviewed essays on these pages. There is lots of stuff in these pages but you need to spend more time to read everything.

All the best!

Thanks for taking time and providing f/b, Cansha. I'll work towards it.
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Can you please reveiw the following essay and tell the probable band score:
Some people think that cooking is an important skill for young people to learn. Others believe that it is better for people to learn how to cook after they become adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.
Getting access to healthy and hygienically prepared food is a challenge nowadays. In fact, people who know cooking are blessed to be able to make themselves a meal, rather than being dependent on others. In the fast changing world, one of the most important skills, i.e. preparing food has been neglected for pursuing academic and professional goals.
Poor introduction!

Ok here is a thing. IELTS is an exam and it has its own quirks and kind of a "format" when it comes to introductions of an essay. Now, the introduction above may be a good introduction for a school / college essay but sadly it is a poor one for IELTS. It seems to me that you have spent no time in understanding IELTS question types and what sort of introduction needs to be written for IELTS essay. My suggestion is that you do that at the earliest before you attempt any more essays. There are two basics things that you need to have in an IELTS essay task 2 intro paragraphs

  • Paraphrasing line for the topic
  • Your clear opinion and thesis statement as the topic demands

I feel that people should be encouraged to learn cooking right from a young age, starting from basic food items and graduating to more difficult ones depending on their interest. Inculcated with culinary skills, the young students need not depend solely on food in hostel mess or tiffin services. They can prepare something of interest at their own convenience. How would they have access to a kitchen in an hostel?

One of my family friends has found it really difficult to adapt to the change in food options at his new school. Since, he was from South India; he was not comfortable with food in hostel mess and nearby canteens which is mostly based on North Indian menu. Had he learnt cooking prior to shifting, he would not have to face these difficulties.

Some people feel learning to cook to be useful only after people turn adults. They feel that young people might not be able to exercise caution required while cooking, thereby causing small injuries or accidents. They advocate that since cooking requires due amount of care, young people should strictly be kept away from it.
Why is this paragraph smaller compared to the previous one? Have a balanced view.

I feel that food is a basic necessity and it is very important to get healthy food that we like to eat. While, cooking may be learnt at adulthood as well, people may not find sufficient time to devote towards learning culinary skills as they attend college or office. Hence, I strongly advise people to encourage their young children to take keen interest in cooking.
First line of conclusion is something I would probably write in introduction para to give clear opinion.

My suggestion read more essays and do some recent topics. If this was a recent topic then it is a really weird one.
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Star Member
Nov 10, 2018
Weak introduction and few grammar mistakes.

Fair idea very flawed execution.

This is good

I get the ideas but the execution is all over the place. The paragraph flow needs to be much better.

You are using a lot of words but I think a little out of context and good use. There are ideas and they are not very far off the topic but you are struggling in the C&C portion of the test. It needs to be better to make sure you score what you desire.

Again, same suggestion read more. The secret to writing a good essay is first figuring out what is a good essay. And the only way of doing is to read more essays and also read more reviewed essays on these pages. There is lots of stuff in these pages but you need to spend more time to read everything.

All the best!

Hi Cansha,

Based on your f/b I have written an essay focusing on topic sentence and closing sentence in Body paragraphs. Please can you help me with your valuable f/b.
I know Intro and conclusion are weak. Can you please guide me in suggesting some source for good Intro and conclusion please?

Many people prefer to spend money and not save it. What are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development?

Numerous people wish to spend money rather than saving it. I believe that main reason for this culture is not realising its importance and spending the money without saving is a negative aspect not just for those people but for the entire nation.

Evidently, there are numerous causes for spending the money without saving. Firstly, those people have not understood the importance of money. In the last 2 decades, due to globalisation there is significant raise in high paying jobs even for fresh graduates. Secondly, those who belong to affluent family already have enough wealth so they would like to explore and experience fun from the money they earn. An acquaintance of mine, for instance, spent all his money from his high paying job in touring the globe, buying expensive gadgets and other fancy products. So significance of money and the hardship involved to make money is not realised.

As future is uncertain, this trend is undoubtedly a negative development due to the potential risk involved. Now-a-days, due to technological advancements, changes are rapid where a business model collapses and large scale job cuts happen overnight so not saving enough puts future in jeopardy. Another major problem that may arise is bankruptcy and even economic collapse of countries. In 2009, for instance, global recession due to sub-prime mortgage crisis collapsed the financial institutions of USA, as a chain reaction there was worldwide impact and the countries like India where people saved for the future was at minimal impact. Therefore, it is essential every individual need to save not just for safe future and progress of them but also for the entire nation.

To conclude, in my opinion, importance of money not being realised is the main cause for not saving and this is a negative trend and makes future of people and country at risk.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2018
I find such introductions weak but I guess we have discussed that in past and you prefer these. So fine but if you are asking my opinion then in my opinion this introduction is not getting you any points.

Oh man ... you spent one whole paragraph to make one such a small point? So yes online courses can be done at one's own pace. You have no other positive points for online courses? None really?

to be honest, content is weak here.

This passage is again wait. And I think we have discussed before that in such essays if you want to agree with a view point talk about it later. Else the essay flow gets really confusing.

Seems like you are writing an introduction and not a conclusion.

I'm sorry but this essay is a bit weak.
Thank you Cansha, I’ll keep in mind the points you have made.

Please tell me why you think that conclusion is weak because I stated both the main ideas and as I wrote , it is clearly stated , I meant it is clearly stated in the above paragraphs, so this was my way of expressing my opinion.

Could you Please let me know how you would have written it. Thanks


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Thank you Cansha, I’ll keep in mind the points you have made.

Please tell me why you think that conclusion is weak because I stated both the main ideas and as I wrote , it is clearly stated , I meant it is clearly stated in the above paragraphs, so this was my way of expressing my opinion.

Could you Please let me know how you would have written it. Thanks
I didn't say conclusion is weak. I said essay is weak. And I said conclusion reads more like an introduction para because of lines like "some people believe ...." etc.

And before you ask why I said essay is weak, it is because there is only one very thin argument in the essay and that is that you can do online courses anytime you want. And you used the same line and said if you want you can study in morning or study in evening etc. etc. Well good thing is argument is on topic and it will depend on the examiner whether he/she thinks you adequately addressed the task response or not. My opinion is it does address the task response but not to an extent that may be required. I may be wrong.

Some of the other things that you could have explored in addition to the "time flexibility" you already have

  • Comparison of fees or cost. Online are cheaper
  • More options in courses
  • Online courses better for people from smaller towns / villages or remote areas
  • Online courses are more frequently updated
  • Although you may not have in person interaction but online community for such courses may be more diverse and much bigger than classroom course
Coming back to conclusion, as I said language looked more of an introduction para. A sample conclusion could be

To conclude, classroom teaching is considered better for live interaction, however, this can be achieved in online courses as well using tools like Skype. However, online courses provide added flexibility in terms of time and hence are better.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2018
I didn't say conclusion is weak. I said essay is weak. And I said conclusion reads more like an introduction para because of lines like "some people believe ...." etc.

And before you ask why I said essay is weak, it is because there is only one very thin argument in the essay and that is that you can do online courses anytime you want. And you used the same line and said if you want you can study in morning or study in evening etc. etc. Well good thing is argument is on topic and it will depend on the examiner whether he/she thinks you adequately addressed the task response or not. My opinion is it does address the task response but not to an extent that may be required. I may be wrong.

Some of the other things that you could have explored in addition to the "time flexibility" you already have

  • Comparison of fees or cost. Online are cheaper
  • More options in courses
  • Online courses better for people from smaller towns / villages or remote areas
  • Online courses are more frequently updated
  • Although you may not have in person interaction but online community for such courses may be more diverse and much bigger than classroom course
Coming back to conclusion, as I said language looked more of an introduction para. A sample conclusion could be

To conclude, classroom teaching is considered better for live interaction, however, this can be achieved in online courses as well using tools like Skype. However, online courses provide added flexibility in terms of time and hence are better.
Okay, thank you. I think generating ideas is my weakest point. Thanks for the detailed feedback.. I’ll work on it.


Dec 19, 2018
Poor introduction!

Ok here is a thing. IELTS is an exam and it has its own quirks and kind of a "format" when it comes to introductions of an essay. Now, the introduction above may be a good introduction for a school / college essay but sadly it is a poor one for IELTS. It seems to me that you have spent no time in understanding IELTS question types and what sort of introduction needs to be written for IELTS essay. My suggestion is that you do that at the earliest before you attempt any more essays. There are two basics things that you need to have in an IELTS essay task 2 intro paragraphs

  • Paraphrasing line for the topic
  • Your clear opinion and thesis statement as the topic demands


Why is this paragraph smaller compared to the previous one? Have a balanced view.

First line of conclusion is something I would probably write in introduction para to give clear opinion.

My suggestion read more essays and do some recent topics. If this was a recent topic then it is a really weird one.
Thanks a lot cansha for your reply. Could you please suggest some sources to read essays to score 7.5 plus in this.
Thanks in advance


Star Member
Feb 21, 2016
NOC Code......
Employer should give longer holidays to employee to encourage them to do their job well. Do you agree or disagree?

Employees make any organization outgrow by becoming productive and efficient at the workplace. People hold the opinion that, lengthy vacations usually drive workers to take up their task more efficiently and cultivate better results. I certainly assert this notion however, we must also acknowledge a healthy work-life balance as a fine combination to develop a better ecosystem.

There are numerous reasons to understand how long leisure time help motivating people for becoming more productive. Firstly, workers who spend time on vacation usually feel revitalize and full of energy. Secondly, when they return to the workplace, they not only more focused but also cultivate innovative thoughts to boost overall organizational goal. Thirdly, when executives are less stressed, they become more healthy physically and mentally. Lastly, when employees receive such gesture from their employers, they feel delighted and valued which pull workers back to contribute their part more sincerely.

On the other hand, there can be a few reasons why healthy work-life balance is pivotal. Worker enjoying leaves provided in length might lose the track of their task and then it would cost huge loses to business. For instance, a software developer who goes on a break for 10 days might cost the overall development function. Another argument to consider, when people take a long time off from their work, they ought to run out of money if they work on the hourly pay system.

To conclude, longer leaves motivates the employee to become more efficient however, a right work-life balance outdraw most beneficial output for employee and employer.

Please check this is my 3rd attempt and have been stuck on 6 band on writing. Any help is appreciated to improve it to 7 band.

Waiting for comments
@H0peAndFa1th - please review

Another question : Please suggest some reliable and affordable essay correction service.
Last edited:


Dec 19, 2018
Hi cansha, may I please request your comments on the following essay (its from British council practice topics) :
Some people think that having a set retirement age for everybody, regardless of occupation is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree?

The retirement days are considered to be the golden days of life, when a person stops doing full time work for living and devotes greater time to home and family. While the retirement age prescribed by government is 60 years as per Government defined norms across all categories of working population, it is advocated by many that different norms should be laid down for people having physical labour intensive jobs. I agree that retirement norms should be modified to address different needs of different categories of workers.

I believe that workers who are engaged in clerical jobs or jobs that require physical labour should be able to retire earlier than others. These workers usually spend more number of hours at work, and are unable to devote time to family and other pursuits. While their educated white-collared colleagues are able to manage work life balance better, these workers spend their time to supplement their low paying jobs with other income.

If they are allowed to retire early and provided regular pension at an earlier age, they can spend some time with their families, compensating for the lost treasure of moments of togetherness. Having spent most of their working lives in strenuous jobs, these workers usually have health issues. Along with them, any worker whose work keeps them away from family for long periods should be given early retirement options.

To conclude, we as a society have a moral obligation towards the less privileged workers involved in menial jobs, supporting us to carry on with our work. These workers wish to spend more time with their families, but the financial needs force them to carry on with the jobs. Hence, they should be given chance to enjoy retirement days on pension at an earlier age.

Hannan Khan

Star Member
Aug 25, 2010
So topic is

Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number of toys?

Weak introduction. You need to read more on it. There are plenty of reviews in the previous pages so I don't want to repeat everything here.

I get the gist of the point you are trying to make but the point is lost in the explanation you are giving here.

I guess the topic is advantages and disadvantages for the child. Last two para seems to be focused on the parents instead.

Fair point but you are finishing your paragraphs just too soon. You need to read more essays.

Overall positives are that the writing more or less is "clean". I can read the essay in one go and there are no big issues in terms of English or Grammar.

But the positives end there because the overall essay task response is very weak starting with the introduction paragraph itself. You are not addressing the topic as stated. Do not jump in writing essays. Try and read more. And then try and learn about idea structuring before writing a full essay. All the best!
Thanks @cansha for your valuable feedback.

Rina Arora

Star Member
Nov 9, 2018
Hi Everyone,

I would like to thank this thread for giving me immense hope. I am sharing details about my attempts-

Have appeared from India for all the exams.

(L, R, W, S)

24 May 2018 Pen and Paper (IDP)- 8,7,6.5,6.5 (So here I accidentally wrote approx 650 words in the essay)
1 Sep 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 7.5,6,5.5,7.5 (This attempt was a shocker for me because I wrote 300 words and according to me I did well. In listening, I was not able to maintain my pace with the speech because we have to write answers directly on the screen)
3 Oct 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 7.5,7,6.5,7( Here again, the same thing happened to listening. The writing score was also stagnant at 6.5 despite of brushing my grammar and task response.
18 Oct 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 8.5,8,6.5,7.5 ( Finally, this attempt was my best attempt and thanks to the thread hope and faith (Canada visa forum). I enrolled for writing revaluation. Got EOR result within 2 weeks and outcomes was no change.
Then I realized that there is something I am missing on due to which I am lacking by .5 in each attempt. I referred all the videos of Liz and all the evaluations on this thread. After regaining confidence, I enrolled for 27th October exam pen and paper exam with BC.
27 Oct 2018 Pen and Paper(BC)- 9,9,6.5,7 ( I have read numerous success stories for BC revaluation so I applied for EOR on 20th Nov for writing and speaking. In writing this was not my best attempt because after appearing for computerized attempt it was really troublesome to rewrite the sentence as we need to erase and rewrite which becomes messy. I gave 30 minutes to letter and essay each. I completed my essay at the last minute due to which there was no time left for proofreading. At the back of my head, I was sure that my score for writing won't increase but applied for it anyway thinking that I should take a chance. Applied for speaking as well because I have been scoring 7.5 everytime and in case my writing score doesn't change then speaking will definitely change.

As BC EOR takes time so I registered for a fresh exam with IDP pen and paper-based.
1st Dec 2018 Pen and Paper (IDP)- 7,6,6.5,6.5 ( This was the result which left me shattered and I started questioning myself. As I was not able to get the desired score in any module.

It's very well said that hard work pays off. Got my BC revaluation result yesterday and my writing score increased from 6.5 to 7. It is the perfect Christmas gift and finally, the IELTS journey ends here.

If you guys want to improve your writing then please refer this thread. Although I haven't posted many essays here but I have read all the previous evaluations and almost every post on this thread which was a big help to me.


Star Member
Nov 30, 2018
Hi Everyone,

I would like to thank this thread for giving me immense hope. I am sharing details about my attempts-

Have appeared from India for all the exams.

(L, R, W, S)

24 May 2018 Pen and Paper (IDP)- 8,7,6.5,6.5 (So here I accidentally wrote approx 650 words in the essay)
1 Sep 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 7.5,6,5.5,7.5 (This attempt was a shocker for me because I wrote 300 words and according to me I did well. In listening, I was not able to maintain my pace with the speech because we have to write answers directly on the screen)
3 Oct 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 7.5,7,6.5,7( Here again, the same thing happened to listening. The writing score was also stagnant at 6.5 despite of brushing my grammar and task response.
18 Oct 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 8.5,8,6.5,7.5 ( Finally, this attempt was my best attempt and thanks to the thread hope and faith (Canada visa forum). I enrolled for writing revaluation. Got EOR result within 2 weeks and outcomes was no change.
Then I realized that there is something I am missing on due to which I am lacking by .5 in each attempt. I referred all the videos of Liz and all the evaluations on this thread. After regaining confidence, I enrolled for 27th October exam pen and paper exam with BC.
27 Oct 2018 Pen and Paper(BC)- 9,9,6.5,7 ( I have read numerous success stories for BC revaluation so I applied for EOR on 20th Nov for writing and speaking. In writing this was not my best attempt because after appearing for computerized attempt it was really troublesome to rewrite the sentence as we need to erase and rewrite which becomes messy. I gave 30 minutes to letter and essay each. I completed my essay at the last minute due to which there was no time left for proofreading. At the back of my head, I was sure that my score for writing won't increase but applied for it anyway thinking that I should take a chance. Applied for speaking as well because I have been scoring 7.5 everytime and in case my writing score doesn't change then speaking will definitely change.

As BC EOR takes time so I registered for a fresh exam with IDP pen and paper-based.
1st Dec 2018 Pen and Paper (IDP)- 7,6,6.5,6.5 ( This was the result which left me shattered and I started questioning myself. As I was not able to get the desired score in any module.

It's very well said that hard work pays off. Got my BC revaluation result yesterday and my writing score increased from 6.5 to 7. It is the perfect Christmas gift and finally, the IELTS journey ends here.

If you guys want to improve your writing then please refer this thread. Although I haven't posted many essays here but I have read all the previous evaluations and almost every post on this thread which was a big help to me.
Can you please summarise what exactly you changed in your writing test pattern? I have given IELTS 4 time and I’m stuck at 6.5 in writing every time. Please give suggest


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi Everyone,

I would like to thank this thread for giving me immense hope. I am sharing details about my attempts-

Have appeared from India for all the exams.

(L, R, W, S)

24 May 2018 Pen and Paper (IDP)- 8,7,6.5,6.5 (So here I accidentally wrote approx 650 words in the essay)
1 Sep 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 7.5,6,5.5,7.5 (This attempt was a shocker for me because I wrote 300 words and according to me I did well. In listening, I was not able to maintain my pace with the speech because we have to write answers directly on the screen)
3 Oct 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 7.5,7,6.5,7( Here again, the same thing happened to listening. The writing score was also stagnant at 6.5 despite of brushing my grammar and task response.
18 Oct 2018 Computerised (IDP)- 8.5,8,6.5,7.5 ( Finally, this attempt was my best attempt and thanks to the thread hope and faith (Canada visa forum). I enrolled for writing revaluation. Got EOR result within 2 weeks and outcomes was no change.
Then I realized that there is something I am missing on due to which I am lacking by .5 in each attempt. I referred all the videos of Liz and all the evaluations on this thread. After regaining confidence, I enrolled for 27th October exam pen and paper exam with BC.
27 Oct 2018 Pen and Paper(BC)- 9,9,6.5,7 ( I have read numerous success stories for BC revaluation so I applied for EOR on 20th Nov for writing and speaking. In writing this was not my best attempt because after appearing for computerized attempt it was really troublesome to rewrite the sentence as we need to erase and rewrite which becomes messy. I gave 30 minutes to letter and essay each. I completed my essay at the last minute due to which there was no time left for proofreading. At the back of my head, I was sure that my score for writing won't increase but applied for it anyway thinking that I should take a chance. Applied for speaking as well because I have been scoring 7.5 everytime and in case my writing score doesn't change then speaking will definitely change.

As BC EOR takes time so I registered for a fresh exam with IDP pen and paper-based.
1st Dec 2018 Pen and Paper (IDP)- 7,6,6.5,6.5 ( This was the result which left me shattered and I started questioning myself. As I was not able to get the desired score in any module.

It's very well said that hard work pays off. Got my BC revaluation result yesterday and my writing score increased from 6.5 to 7. It is the perfect Christmas gift and finally, the IELTS journey ends here.

If you guys want to improve your writing then please refer this thread. Although I haven't posted many essays here but I have read all the previous evaluations and almost every post on this thread which was a big help to me.
This is superb! Super congrats and all the best for your next steps.