Iyad717 said:
Hi Aziz,
-Age: 30 years
-Education: Bachelor Degree in Business Administration
-Work experience: 4 years as Sales and Marketing Manager
-IELTS: 19 points
What would be my total points as a breakdown ? Appreciate your help
Hi Iyad,
Your score would be 351. See breakdown below:
Core/Human factors
Age = 105
Level of education = 120
First Official Language = 88
Second Official Language = 0
Canadian work experience = 0
Subtotal - Core/Human capital factors = 313
Skill transferability factors
A) Official Language proficiency and education = 13
B) Canadian work experience and education = 0
Subtotal = 13
Foreign work experience
A) Official Language proficiency and foreign work experience = 25
B) Canadian and foreign work experience B) = 0
Subtotal = 25
Certificate of qualification = 0
Subtotal Skill transferability factors = 38
Subtotal Core/Human capital + Spouse factors + Skill transferability = 351
Additional points = 0
Grand total = 351
You can use this link to calculate your score: cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp
because factors such as Spouse, Canadian Work Experience and Language Proficiency in French Language Exam does count toward a different score.