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IELTS in USA - April 8


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2016
canada_dreamer said:
Now that I think about it, I put child instead of new child, because the reasons included a new child, new spouse's child and a foster child.

In the listening,
I put 'to expand her experience' as the reason, I believe. I don't remember the other questions and answers in that section.

I see that both AlliBatista and rj16 had two different T/F/NG anwers from mine. That concerns me. I was really trying for clb10, having missed it by .5 the first time.

I put NG for 'Factors such as weather affect consumer's price', because I thought the passage only talked about the trading rate of fish, not consumer's price. Maybe I didn't read it well enough.
I believe the text said "new child", "new spouse" and then went on in the next section to say "fostered child". Another classic vague as f8ck answer from IELTS.

For this reason (and others) i'm switching to celpip, in the reading you are given the answers and you have to select them. For the T/F/NG style it doesn't benefit, but anything which is a "fill in the blank" you already see the answers and don't have to find them yourself.

I need CLB 9 for immigration, I know I got wrong the decade question, the last question, maybe this "child" one - probably 3 of the T/F/NG - means i'd need every other question correct.


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May 19, 2015
New Jersey, USA
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robb83 said:
I believe the text said "new child", "new spouse" and then went on in the next section to say "fostered child". Another classic vague as f8ck answer from IELTS.

For this reason (and others) i'm switching to celpip, in the reading you are given the answers and you have to select them. For the T/F/NG style it doesn't benefit, but anything which is a "fill in the blank" you already see the answers and don't have to find them yourself.

I need CLB 9 for immigration, I know I got wrong the decade question, the last question, maybe this "child" one - probably 3 of the T/F/NG - means i'd need every other question correct.
I wish I could take Celpip from USA, I don't want to travel to Canada for a test. Can I even do that, if I have visitor visa?

In last IELTS, I missed CLB 9 by 0.5, as I got 7.5 in Listening. This time I feel I may miss due to Speaking.

Starting June 7, the ITA scores will likely go up as well, due to more points for people with French and with siblings in Canada. So we have a short window now.


Hero Member
Apr 10, 2017
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I don't really know how high CRS will go because of the siblings and francophone changes. It may go up for a draw or two, but should come back down again.


Mar 27, 2017
Same test in Canada here.

Sydney fish market was the one really challenged me like everybody else.
I was very surprised by the fact that we had 8 t/f/ng Qs and lots of short answers Nd not having any headings or multiple choice questions in reading.

I wrote exciting recipes for the last question and
about the family leave in cali paragraph,
I cannt remember whether I wrote new child or child :( (was deciding till the last minute)

Any of you remember the last section of the listening, vancourver island marmots,
Shoulder or shoulders?


Star Member
May 19, 2015
New Jersey, USA
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jimbo_416 said:
Same test in Canada here.

Sydney fish market was the one really challenged me like everybody else.
I was very surprised by the fact that we had 8 t/f/ng Qs and lots of short answers Nd not having any headings or multiple choice questions in reading.

I wrote exciting recipes for the last question and
about the family leave in cali paragraph,
I cannt remember whether I wrote new child or child :( (was deciding till the last minute)

Any of you remember the last section of the listening, vancourver island marmots,
Shoulder or shoulders?
I wrote Shoulders. I think I heard that and that also fit the grammar. Good luck


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2016
jimbo_416 said:
Same test in Canada here.

Sydney fish market was the one really challenged me like everybody else.
I was very surprised by the fact that we had 8 t/f/ng Qs and lots of short answers Nd not having any headings or multiple choice questions in reading.

I wrote exciting recipes for the last question and
about the family leave in cali paragraph,
I cannt remember whether I wrote new child or child :( (was deciding till the last minute)

Any of you remember the last section of the listening, vancourver island marmots,
Shoulder or shoulders?
It was shoulders - the speech would have had to been "marmots have a really strong shoulder" - it was "marmots have really strong shoulders"

the other answers were, fur, fat, movement(s), shoulders and fossil (i think from memory)

The child question is clearly ridiculous, as there's debate upon it - they might put the answer as (new) child - with both being acceptable.

The 8 T/F/NG was tough as nails for sydney fish market.

Wish I had looked at celpip sooner - I think standard is 8 days and you can pay extra and have it in 3.

Ditching IELTS completely as apart from the speaking, everything else is slightly easier on celpip (unless the marking is harsh for writing)


Mar 27, 2017
rj16 said:
I wrote Shoulders. I think I heard that and that also fit the grammar. Good luck
I thought I heard shoulder but shoulders more fit into that sentence as you said. Good luck to you as well!


Champion Member
Aug 19, 2016
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It was "Shoulders" for sure, there was also an answer about the "ocean" side...fur,fat,extinction...I also wrote movement ( singular), but I'm not sure about that one.

On the child one, I put "New Child".


Mar 27, 2017
robb83 said:
It was shoulders - the speech would have had to been "marmots have a really strong shoulder" - it was "marmots have really strong shoulders"

the other answers were, fur, fat, movement(s), shoulders and fossil (i think from memory)

The child question is clearly ridiculous, as there's debate upon it - they might put the answer as (new) child - with both being acceptable.

The 8 T/F/NG was tough as nails for sydney fish market.

Wish I had looked at celpip sooner - I think standard is 8 days and you can pay extra and have it in 3.

Ditching IELTS completely as apart from the speaking, everything else is slightly easier on celpip (unless the marking is harsh for writing)
yeah I think IELTS would take both as answers: (new) child.
I just want to wait till the result comes out and decide if I wanna take another one or go for celpip.
so you saying, writing is a bit difficult in terms of getting higher marks on celpip?
that's my weakest part out of 4 so I feel like I should stick with IELTS.


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2016
jimbo_416 said:
yeah I think IELTS would take both as answers: (new) child.
I just want to wait till the result comes out and decide if I wanna take another one or go for celpip.
so you saying, writing is a bit difficult in terms of getting higher marks on celpip?
that's my weakest part out of 4 so I feel like I should stick with IELTS.
I summarized the benefits of celpip from my perspective in another post but will give you a quick run down from what I've seen.

Speaking - you are talking into a microphone, lots of different topics, from the practice I did, seems harder than IELTS, definitely less fluent and looses the conversation flow.

Reading - easier than IELTs, you are given a section and a time limit (painful if you don't know the answer as you can't go back) - much higher positive is that you are given all the answers, so at a minimum its multiple choice. very helpful as if you have a blank in ielts, nothing is there to help you. as the answers are already given you can look at the text with those in mind.

Writing - easier than IELTs, you have to do 2 questions both equal weight in marking. first is an email (just like IELTS letter), the second you are given a statement or question, then provided with 2 possible viewpoints to take. the viewpoint from what ive seen contains key topics to include. it's almost doing the essay plan for you! - both equal time 25 ish mins. only draw back is if the marking is worse that IELTS - which I doubt as IELTS is toughest there but could be a possibility.

Listening - slightly harder than IELTS, you listen to a passage, then are asked questions on that passage. you cannot see the questions before hand, so cannot prepare what to look out for. you are however allowed to take notes, which if you scribble the key points you should be ok. I didn't and did it from memory and got a few wrong.

Speaking is my strongest attribute therefore that doesn't worry me at all.

For me reading and writing benefits of celpip outweigh some of the minor issues. Especially in writing be able to type as appose to hand write. Say you've already written you're introduction in IELTS, made a few strong points in the paragraph but they aren't covered broadly in your intro. how do you go back and amend it, you can't you're buggered. in celpip - highlight, tab up, delete, re-key - amend, change, in the space of 3/5 mins you can have exactly what you want.


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May 19, 2015
New Jersey, USA
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What was the speaking topic you guys got for part 2? I had to describe a speech or lecture that I heard; where did I hear; what was the topic; who gave it etc.

I got flustered because I hardly listen to any speeches, mostly news. But then I ended up inventing a speech by Elon Musk, given at Ted Talk. I started blabbering about future of innovation, tesla, solar city, renewable energy etc. :)

How did you guys handle your speaking test?


Hero Member
Apr 10, 2017
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Something you would like to do in future that is not related to your work or study.

Also got questions about mirrors in part 1
- how often do you look in the mirror?
- is it important to look in the mirror?
- can mirror be used to decorate?

part 3 was about day to day planning
importance of it
do i do it?
can accomplish less if we don't do day to day planning

and more...


Star Member
Nov 7, 2016
I don't know what happened in the IELTS Test and now I dont even remember what I wrote and what I did. I just hope everything comes out okay.

Part I : Do you work or study
what kind of work
do you enjoy the work you do
what do you do in your leisure time

Part II : Define a time where you have to buy some special for someone
i. What was the expensive thing
ii. In the mean time, did you buy someone else till you get that thing
iii. What did you do when you got that thing

Part III:
What do you think about Technology and gadgets?
Is it good to be fast in the modern tech world?
How does society get affected in this fast modern world?
-- 1 more question but I don't remember