honey just focus on winning the appeal, put all ur energy on that; it's not over yet, it will b over when u reach ur goal; it must b horrifying to b refused and i'm sorry; but u still need to put urself together; it's not the end of the world
the red flags u mentioned r legit for the VO to consider; of course this does not mean that the VO is right but u just need to do a very good job explaining them like u did here and even better; same for ur husband, he might be asked more than u
as for the sponsor being outside, again they have the right to ask u for proofs of return; if they did and u did include proofs then it's their mistake; if they didn't and refused u on that, again they should have asked for proofs before; in any way, just include as much as possible for the appeal; in a way the VO is contradicting herself - ur husband would move to canada because of the better conditions and not u (as they say) but u on the other hand who already lived in canada, would continue living in a poor country so different than what u r used ??? also if u r there on a visit visa or other kind of temporary permit then they don't really have basis to put that as reason of refusal
as sad as it is so many genuine couples suffer from the scammers; so many young men took advantage of older Canadian wives just to get a better life and then the wives, lonely and lost, blamed the gouverment - why didn't the gouverment discover the scam before they were so hurt; now some VO's r so strict, this lady maybe even thinks she did to u a favor :

(it's very hard to guess their mind)
the bad economic situation is legit too and it's not easy to prove that ur husband is leaving everything behind just for u; try to prove this in other way too: strong family connection, that he never tried any other form of immigration to canada or other before he met
when u prepare ur appeal, do study also CanLi website - search for couples in exactly same situation - Morrocan embassy, age difference, etc; think of questions they could ask u - children will probably b one of them (since it's almost like a must in his culture)
i doubt that suing would make a difference; u need lawyer, time, money, so much energy consumed and really clear proofs; maybe reporting her to a supervisor might (if other ppl did that too maybe she will get at least a warning)
best of luck! on the bright side ur husband is with u!!
(don't remove the topic; ur story will help someone else in the future)