I'm going to urge caution against those who say that this problem can be "worked out" by talking. Quite frankly, it's irresponsible and the opposite of what any organization would suggest in this situation.
There's ample evidence that suggests abusers in abusive relationships will continue that behavior throughout their lifetime (and not just in the same relationships); it is a serial behavior.
Ending domestic abuse is not as easy as sitting down and discussing it, and you cannot pray that it'll get better. Domestic Violence is not an isolated incident and can take place in forms other than just physical abuse.
I applaud you for recognizing this and getting out now; this is not your fault, and nothing you ever do warrants someone inflicting violence on you or anyone else.
Contact the CIC, and if you at all are in danger, contact the police. Your safety comes above all else.
Where in Canada do you live? There is help for you; we just need to know where you are so we can find it.