Well I have a *little* October success myself! I officially have our Quebec papers (approval of undertaking + his certificates for provincial documents) in my hand as of NOW!
It was longer than usual so was getting me worried. I called them last week and they gave me verbal approval, but theres something about having it in writing that makes me feel relieved. ;D
Now its a matter of getting these papers to him ASAP, so looks like I have no other choice but to go see my hubby this weekend!!

haha how sad! Its double the reason I had before!! Spoke to my boss, and I got Friday off, so looks like itll be Fri-Sun whirlwind but worth it!! Then everything will be ready for us when havana calls us and he's ready to go!!
KJg-- wait, you mean they give you allllllll those papers back when you get your visa?? ??? lol makes me rethink how much I sent to begin with! May be worth the travel back from Havana-Holguin but only for that burning party you girls were talking about! haha
I just read what you were all writing about and I send my husband this message :Baby you know I told you you have to answer the phone even if you don't recognize the number, right?" and his response was : yes baby, I know. lol!!
sassy-- Yayyyy let us know when its officially mailed.

This calls for a toast for everyone here!!