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Had dinner with a friend from she works for Immigration Canada


Star Member
May 3, 2010
Visa Office......
abu dhabi
Job Offer........
you are right about some visa offices not asking for ppts unless htey are ready to issue visa. Abu dhabi is one such office and hence when they request ppt, it comes back with hte stamp in 2-3 days unlike ND or Manila where at times it takes much longer (2-3 months)....

thanks for all the info you have provided iarblue, it has given a lot of insight in this process which otherwise was like a maze and utterly unknown and unpredictable.
hope that our apps are processed fast and we are with our loved ones soon.

any further info that you could provide is more than welcome..... and much appreciated.
if any further questions do come to mind, will ask you for sure....

one Q just came up.... how come the procedures followed by the visa offices are different.... and also procedure for diff applicants from the same visa offices are also different. Could you check why this is the case? I can give example - ND or Manila asks for ppt almost with AOR, whilst abu dhabi or london requests ppt later... why so? also there is something called residency questionaire that is sent ot abu dhabi applicants. Now from these forums have seen that resi Q is sent as one of hte last steps in the process and is sent after 1-2-3 months of AOR and after that is hte PPR. but in our case, we have got hte resi Q after about 1 week of AOR. Dont know if this is a good sign or not. Could you perhaps throw some light on this?
thank you once again.... and sorry to be bugging you wiht all these queries....


Star Member
May 3, 2010
Visa Office......
abu dhabi
Job Offer........
hello iarblue....

i have a query.... the back ground checks are done for countries where the applicant has lived for more than 6 months (for which PCC is also submitted) or is it done for any place that the applicant has gone even for a visit for a couple of days.... 10-15 days kinds.....
i am asking coz in our case the applicant has travelled to a few places - 6-7 countries (short visits - 2 to 15 days) so i was just wondering if there will be BC for all those places ... coz then it could mean a longgggggggg wait ........

hope not ...........
hope you can throw some light to this matter ... looking forward to a response from you.

thank you in advance


Yeah you couldnt possibly do it for every place you visit for a vacation.God it would take people a year just to get police reports lol.Impatient queen is correct.