momo2016 said:
Asalam alaikum brother,
I'm sorry to hear that your wife has been called for an interview. You know bro it's difficult to say how much is "too much" and how much is "not enough". I heard from one person who sent boxes and boxes of evidence. It was so much evidence, the officer found it impossible to sift through to figure out how much of that evidence was he requested an interview.
From what I've gathered, all those people that provide thousands of photos and buckets of proof are overdoing it, and i doubt the visa officer will ever look through all of the evidence they provide. So why give the officers more things to pick holes in? if they need more proof, they will ask you for it.
I sent in few pages of chat logs and i also included about 70 photos of our marriage and special occasions. Thats all. i knew that no one's ever going to read all of my whatsapp viber imo chat logs. My intention was for the officer to skip through the log and read whatever he wants before shredding it.
it looks to me like the reason they called your wife in for an interview was to determine whether she entered the marriage primarily for immigration purposes since you converted to her rrligion to marry her.
Walaikum salam
We didn't exactly send boxes and boxes.
We sent
Boarding passes from my visits and our holiday in Bali and our flight to Sumatra to attend a friend's wedding.
Passport stamps
About 80 pages of whatsapp and messenger calls
About 80 pages of chats
About 40 pages of public interaction on fb
20 pages of Western union reciepts
About 80 photos of visits, wedding, reception, honeymoon
7 letters of support from friends and family on both sides
My online CRA account showing marital status and wife's name
Credit card statement in which I added my wife to
Postcards sent between us and to my friends and family from both of us in Indonesia
Screenshots of video calls between us and between my mom and daughter
The letter my parents wrote offering to pay my wife's tuition from our refused study permit app
Pictures of cards and gifts sent to my daughter by my wife
Hotel, restaurant, and tourist activity reciepts
Statements by both of us
There may be a couple things I can't remember off the top of my head
rand75 said:
you can't fault him for providing more proof. singapore is one of the toughest visa offices to get through, and i would've done the exact same. damned if you do, damned if you don't.
check this out:
Yeah, SVO sucks
MNM2015 said:
I am so sad to hear this

I was hoping you would be getting good news very soon. I think at some VO's if you have red flags they put you in the interview queue regardless of how much proof you provide. I think that's total crap and they need to look at new ways to determine if a relationship is genuine. Just because you are different religions, have a large age gap or it's a second marriage for one of the people does not in any way indicate the relationship is not genuine. If interviews were done in a reasonable time it wouldn't be so bad. I think their "system" for trying to catch fake marriages lets in far more scammers than it keeps out and often keeps loving couples apart. Anyway enough of my rant, just wanted you to know how sorry I am and I'm glad you are looking at other options to be together in the meantime. All the best. It will work out in the end.
Thank you.
A few applicants got their interviews 3 months from the queue letter. So hopefully not too long. I have an ex who I have a child with, I converted to her religion although neither of us are overly religious, and i am 9 years older than her.