I'm also seeing activity in my whatsapp group for applications based in London VO. This is giving me some hope but still keeping my expectations lowAlso receiving In my whats group quite a few people posting prints of VO London PPR today.
Oct 31, 2020 COR Netherlands and Nov 1st, 2020 COR Ireland.
i dunno, i will be notified when the app is approved (nomination) or rejected.@dankboi has your application moved to DIP?
What’s your VO? I remember London/Singapore/Paris were having some movement last year with at least remed.I'm also seeing activity in my whatsapp group for applications based in London VO. This is giving me some hope but still keeping my expectations low
My VO is London. It has been very slow same as all other outside Canada VOs but seems like it has started picking up some pace. Still 1 or 2 PPRs here and there seem more like outliers than the norm.What’s your VO? I remember London/Singapore/Paris were having some movement last year with at least remed.
Are you for real, Pal? The two points you mentioned can be found on the IRCC website even before we start to discuss them. I am surprised you are looking for that information in a random thread. Do we look like people who send good morning texts and good night kisses to Justin Trudeau or Sean Frazer every day? Thanks for summing up the issues we discuss here. The irrelevant discussions are actually relevant to FSW applicants. Some of the folks here are already living in Canada and they are giving their perspective on various issues that directly affect new immigrants. It seems like you got this completely wrong. If you want a discussion on more serious topics, go to the CEC thread. You may find people seeking help in writing their last name or getting free government money or rolling subway sandwiches. (Inspiration: @ImpatientKangaroo, @navinball ).My last visit to this thread was yesterday. Today, I found around 30 new pages, I hoped to find some read-worthy discussions about the FSW, but unfortunately most of the discussions were irrelevant to this thread's topic. Just much ado about nothing!
I believe that the visitors to this thread are mainly interested in two points only: processing updates (for Post-ITA folks) and invitation draws (for FSW candidates).
For example, as an FSW candidate, I am not interested in these irrelevant discussions:
* Housing prices in Canada
* Life affordability in Canada
* Car and fuel prices in Canada
* Healthcare system in Canada
* Comparison between different cities in Canada
* Alternative immigration options (study, business, other countries US/Australia/New Zealand)
* Comparison between life in Canada and US/Europe
* Comparison between developed countries and 3rd world countries
* Chinese population in British Columbia
Post-ITA folks and FSW candidates are desperately looking for any discussions that may renew their hopes, however it seems that there are stupid people who continue to add insult to injury by making it more difficult to find important discussions.
I know that no one cares, and stupid people will continue discussing irrelevant things here.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former". Albert Einstein
@seadrag0n might knowNoted. On average how long after expiration date does the remed request usually come?
It's not surprising. While Canada is trembling in fear against this weak variant (scientifically proven by multiple countries, it's death ratio is the lowest among all covid variants) and continue to get their "free handouts" from the government to further increase the country's already terrible deficit, people in the UK actually work to earn their god damn wages.Also receiving In my whats group quite a few people posting prints of VO London PPR today.
Oct 31, 2020 COR Netherlands and Nov 1st, 2020 COR Ireland.
Omicron is made in the lab (just like all other variants) to terminate project covid. I think globalists are done with whatever they were doing (wealth transfer probably). Omicron's job is to quickly infect everyone and end the pandemic.It's not surprising. While Canada is trembling in fear against this weak variant (scientifically proven by multiple countries, it's death ratio is the lowest among all covid variants) and continue to get their "free handouts" from the government to further increase the country's already terrible deficit, people in the UK actually work to earn their god damn wages.
I don’t see how we can’t go to a bar in Canada and get a piss water Canadian beer once this is done. Unless some of us gets rejected lol.(My reply to m.soliman got put in moderation for some reason but there's nothing inflammatory about it so I feel safe reposting it without "replying".)
Would like to say my piece on what this thread represents to some of us (or perhaps just me) who've been hanging around through its various incarnations. There must have been at least 3, but I've lost count.
Most of us here are/ were of course FSW aspirants, and if these were normal times for FSW candidates we would all be long gone by now. Unfortunately this journey has turned out to be unexpectedly long and uncertain, and indications are that it might not end for a few more months yet. In the meantime, there's few things that give as much psychological support as a community of fellows on the same journey, facing the same problems. Whenever there's been relevant news I've loved seeing the many helpful and insightful members jump on it, deconstruct it and offer up their analyses, but genuinely new news has been rather sparse and during the "downtimes" it's been nice to have a community and banter to look forward to every day.
I'm sure that when/ if FSW draws resume this thread will revert to its former condition and function as you've envisioned it, but until then I feel that it's pretty nice the way it is now. As for the information you crave, like the other members have mentioned there are the numerous AOR threads, express entry draw page and various news sites.
When/ if the day comes, I suspect it'll be a bitter-sweet experience for me (mostly sweet of course), I'll surely miss all of you guys. Prior to joining this forum, I thought that parasocial relationships were only formed with celebrities or influencers. Never did I think that that could be possible with random old forum users too, but there you go.
I highly doubt any of us who has waited this long will get rejected at this point unless they got into doing some serious crimes due to the mental trauma inflicted by the IRCCI don’t see how we can’t go to a bar in Canada and get a piss water Canadian beer once this is done. Unless some of us gets rejected lol.
Wouldn’t blame them.I highly doubt any of us who has waited this long will get rejected at this point unless they got into doing some serious crimes due to the mental trauma inflicted by the IRCC
Weren't you just complaining about people talking about irrelevant stuff on this thread? And now look at you, talking about similar "irrelavant" stuff. So which is it, are you a hypocrite, or are you too stupid to realize it?Indeed, they are currently building a new capitaland that's why I invest in new cities only. Even if the prices will not go up in old Cairo, it will remain constant at least.
In our culture, real-estate is as secure as gold. In the last 7 decades, the country suffered from wars, many uprisings, and economical instability, but you will never find someone bought a property for 500K and sell it later for 300K. Ironically, after these types of events the prices shoot up, because people find keeping liquid money is a big risk. Unlike many western countries where properties lost significant amount of their values like in 2008 crash.
one can getaway with murder if he is in healthcare