Although I agree with you, they need money to run things.
Why should they spend money out of their pocket to bring you in the country ? They have shifted their bill on to you and me, since we need them more than they need us. Simple demand and supply economics.
In turn they are giving you a new beginning, perhaps much more happier and prosperous than where you live right now. At least, thats the case for me.
This is exactly the same thing I thought before 5 years ,when I went to USA on the contrary they even paid me scholarship.
what you said is right most of us incl me belong to 3rd word nations we dont have any choice but there are actually hidden profits for inviting people like you or me or most in this group into canada.
Most of us dont consider the amount of knowledge and hardwork that we take to those nations and most of the times this guys dont pay us anywhere close to natives,and most are lazy or stupid as fuck(my experience in USA taught me that),so life long you are making them profit.
About a new begening -I absolutely agree with you in that after visiting some places in my country ,I totally agree with you.
But this is where IRCC is running a scam for eg let us take your case,You can speak,write ,listen,read english,you should get overall 8 in IELTS,IRCC is telling you will forget english in 2 years that is total BS