It looks Johnny IELTS points calculation is correct.
There are some applicant reported that they got exactly 67 points and for langauge ability, their language points are odds (not 16 or 20 or 24). they still got PER....

That means , once you cross minimum of 6 in each band, language points are calculated based on the individual language ability but not overall ability.
Points are allocated based on CLB level as shown below:
First Official Language Points
Speaking Listening Reading Writing
CLB level 9 or higher 6 (IELTS 7) 6 (IELTS 8.) 6 (IELTS 7) 6 (IELTS 7)
CLB level 8 5(IELTS 6.5) 5 (IELTS 7.5) 5 (IELTS 6.5) 5 (IELTS 6.5)
CLB level 7 4 (IELTS 6) 4 (IELTS 6) 4 (IELTS 6) 4 (IELTS 6)
Below CLB level 7 Not eligible to apply
Points calculation:
Example 1:
If I get IELTS scores as follows: Speaking 7, Listening 7.5, Reading 7, Writing 6.
My CLB level as above table is 7. So 4 points will be allocated for each category.
Total points observe towards English language ability is 16.
Example 2:
If I get IELTS scores as follows: Speaking 7, Listening 7.5, Reading 7, Writing 6.5.
My CLB level as above table is 8. So 5 points will be allocated for each category.
Total points observe towards English language ability is 20.
First scenario:
Speaking 7 = 6 points
Listening 7.5 = 5 points
Reading 7 = 6 points
Writing 6 = 4 points
Total = 21 points
Second scenario:
Speaking 7 = 6 points
Listening 7.5 = 5 points
Reading 7 = 6 points
Writing 6.5 = 5 points
Total = 22 points