Could you please share when you got site visit and when you receive the letter?shipon_eye said:Guys,
I also got email with title "30-day Procedural Fairness on Work Exp".
They got some discrepancy in my Payslip between my Sent PaySlip with application and PaySlip they found on my office visit.
Basically the first one was manually generated and when they visit my office they checked my Payroll System Payslip.
Problem is our company implemented Payroll System before few days of site visit and the post processed data was incorrect.
Don't know how to answer them. I have planned that I will collect a justification and previous PaySlip authentication declaration from my MD.
Also I have to clear why they found my Designation Director & System Analyst whereas I previously mentioned that I am System Analyst. :-[
Please give me your suggestions as well pray for me.
whats your timeline?