ssbv said:
We are in big dilemma and need valuable advice from the experienced Canada aspirants and who are/or have experienced the situation like us.
I myself is primary applicant and my spouse is co-applicant. We are expecting our Medical Examinations within 30-50 days. There are some medical complications with my wife.
1. She has been suffering from primary infertility for long and had laproscopy (it is a surgery that uses a thin, lighted tube put through a cut in the belly to look at the abdominal organs or the female pelvic organs . This surgery is used to find problems associated with reproducitve disorders) done in Feb 2011. She has two small incision mark at her lower abdomen. We are confused whether we should hide it from panel physician or not? Hiding will not make any sense. Would there be any kind of impact on our application for disclosing the same to the panel physician.
2. She is also suffering from auto immune disorder Rheumatoid arthritis for last two years. As per her treating physician, her two joints of arms are affected, but things are under control. I know, we cannot hide this from panel physician and would be requiring additional tests done.
3. This query is specially for Delhi/NCR, India applicants who have got their medicals done either from Max Hospital or Sadhu Vasvani. It would be great help if the medical undergone people at both these centers can suggest which doctor is best (I mean to say in cooperation and understanding).
These are the main hurdles which can stop us from landing Canada. Logical and experienced advice would be highly appreciated.
Congratulations to those who have got their VISA stamped and all the best for those who still are under pipeline.
Dear, I did my medicals in Max Delhi and Referred to do further Test related to TB Scar which Sputum Test.
I Suggest and
recommend you to do not hide anything, tell them all these
in detail and if you have reports and all old papers, docs, X Ray, Ultrasound, ...
carry all documents along with you when you will go for Test in Max or Sadhu Vasvani Clinic.
Please do not hide anything and carry all old documents and reports with you.
If required they will ask you for further test but Don't worry it will helpful in later stages.
As per me these will not affect your application.
The things which affect and Reject is only HIV, .. rest all things are curable. So Don't worry Brother.
All the very best Brother, we pray all set and goes fine.
God Bless You