:-[ :-X :'(
Guys I had my PCC Appointment today. and i was directed to meet Asst. Passport officer who sent me back due to following reasons.
My passport carries my permanent address where my parents stay. and I stay in a different city due to the nature of my job. I stay on Rent and I have following documents to support the same.
1) Rental agreement (Notarised): But Passport officer asked me to provide rental agreement more than 1 year time and registered one. Please note the fact that all rental agreements are generally 11 month leave and license.and registering the agreements is a costly affair so owner is never keen on doing the same. so this doesnt work.
2) Gas connection : i provided them with cash memo copies of my gas connection which he didnt accept saying he wants the same details in the gas book itself. it was not funny but he even asked me to get my wife's name and both our photos to be provided in the gas connection book.
Please note beyond this following things could have worked for me
1) Post paid connection (I dont have the same as my company provides me the connection)
2) Bank statement (I dont have account in a nationalised bank)
3) Water bill and electricity bills are obviously in the name of owner (So cant help it)
The fact is Asst passport officers are powerful people who can make or even break you. I tried my best to explain him but he insisted that i should change my address in the passport. this looser happily wasted my time and irritated me and now I am taking following steps.
1) I have got my gas connection book with address update and me and my wifes photo signed and stamped.
Please note the fact that I am not going to provide any other document to him when I visit next. AS this was the requirement told by him.
IF next time he changes his requirement then I may as well choose to complain against him/slap him/go to Media/Complain in the anti corruption bureau.
Lets hope i dont need to do this.
Guys, this is just one of the experiences that should motivate us all to vacate this country asap and pray to god that we all move to canada asap!!!
Wish you all the luck and hope nobody faces similar problem!
By the way seeking assistance on 2 questions.
1) Can i get one more appointment without making extra payment for me and my wife (Rs. 500 each )
2) As per CIC website.PCC can be obtained from Commisioner of police and other similar ranks. while they also mention that the PCC given by passport office is valid as well. My question is does anybody have any idea if the PCC from Police commisioner works? has anybody given the same to NDVO ? Please guide!!!