Hi everybody
I want to thank every single member in his great forum ,
I've been watching it since few months and it helped me a lot in preparing my file for FSW.
I really need your replies especially seniors

My file reach CIO in october 2 nd , my NOc is 3214,my mode of payment is CC. today i received
email from my bank that they are going to introduce a new system of securing all online transaction
in coopreation with visa and master card , which is called "3D secure">
I quote their message
"CBK wants to protect your financial transactions at all times, which is why we present you with
Al-Tijari 3D Secure fraud averting service. Al-Tijari 3D Secure is designed to protect your online
shopping against any possible fraudulent actions, and to make your online shopping using CBK cards
(all credit and prepaid cards issued by Commercial Bank of Kuwait )a safe and pleasant experience.
We joined hands with both Visa (Verified by Visa) and MasterCard (MasterCard® SecureCode™) to present
you with a free and very protective security service, where all you need to do is to follow these
simple steps:
1- Free registration: The next time you attempt to purchase anything from the registered
online retailers, you will be automatically directed to the Al-Tijari 3D Secure page, where you will
see a clear CBK logo with Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode logo (depending on the type of
card you are using) and the CBK personal message "Welcome to Al-Tijari Secure Online Shopping!"
so you can be confident enough to take the next step in your registration.
Your registration will require you to provide the following personal details:
a. Civil I.D. number
b. Account number
c. Your name as embossed on the card
d. Date of birth
You only have to register once for the service, and then you can enjoy online shopping using your
registered user name and password. Keep in mind that you cannot shop online in a registered retailer
without registering for Al-Tijari 3D Secure.
2- After you are done filling in the required information, you will then need to set up a User ID
and a password that you will use every time you shop with your CBK credit card in one of the
3- Once you completed the registration, a page will pop up automatically on the screen that will
guide you through the rest of your purchasing process up until you checkout.
4- Next time you are shopping on the internet at a participating retailer, you will just have to
enter your registered User ID and password.
Now I'm really confused and a bit worried ,
1) will this protective service prevent CIC from charging my CC, as long as they will not be able
to provide the user name and password for my credit card as per the new system?? or it's not the
same procedure , as i remember i read before in this thread that CIc is using another way to
charge CC which is not same like Online transaction? can somone confirm ??
I called the customer service in the bank , and i explained to theme the situation , BTW ,
I did the same before sending the application , and I stressed to not stop any transaction , and they
said they will never do,This time also , the guy on the phone told me that the bank will not stop any
transaction but they will call me to get my approval , he made me a bit relaxed , but still I'm not
confident 100 % on what he said.
2) I think this way of securing Cerdit card is used somewhere else in the world , did any one of
the members applied with credit card using similar service and got their CC charged without
complication? I really appreaciate sharing your experiences and suggestions.