A couple of important questions that I did not ask so far as I was waiting for the CC to get charged first.
Before questions, a declaration.
In my case, I put my wife as a primary applicant. She is CA with 8+ years of work exp. NOC 1112
Since she is primary applicant, I added entry for her in tracking sheet. I now see why some forum members would think I am a gal. I am not.

I am into IT with 13+ years experience. The only reason I put my wife as primary applicant was she was getting support from her
current organization for role specific letters. Both of us have been with our current org for 5+ years. In my case, my current employer
would never have given me role letter. Also, I am expecting promotion this year (level) so I didn't wanted to scare my boss or org.
Hence I decided to let my wife be primary appplicant.
Now, the questions; Seniors - please help me
1. My wife(primary appliant) had her name spelled wrong on her BC. Surprizingly the 10th passing spelled her name right. and then 12 passing was again wrong.
After that, all her degree certificates, passport, pan card, org letter and all other documents, have no problems with name spelling.
With BC and 12 passing certificate having her first name spelled wrong, will it affect PER ?
Note: I did not attach any affidavit to clarify this.
2. While filling up travel details, for one of my trip to US for 5 months and 20+ days approx, I just rounded that to say 6 months on the form.
Now, I know what I have invited more. I think 6 months or more need to provide PCC. God, I did know this quite well then. Can I clarify this
to the local VO when my file reaches that stage (insha-allah) and avoid getting into the process of securing PCC from US?
No issues in getting that, but why the added step, when technically I was not there for 6 months or more at a stretch?
3. For India PCC for both of us, I heard people say - it does not take more than 30 odd days, depending on city. I dont feel I should yet
start the local PCC process. I can wait for my PER and advice from local VO when they ask for it. Does any senior feel otherwise if I should
start the process for local PCC and secure it anyway in the meantime?
The next 2 questions should really be asked after securing PER, but I would still ask them now anyway.
4. When we do get through all the stages and the time comes to fly, I would like my wife to keep her job in India. I know, now that I have put her
as primary applicant she would have to accompany me atleast for the first time. The question is:
a) Does she have to stay their with me for long? how long? Is it only for the time we get the PR card, and then she can return?
I would like her to keep her job in India intially for a period of say 1 year. During that time, I would like to stay back in Canada,
find job in my field, go through the struggle period alone (with less family stakes) and then when I am a bit settled, call my wife
and my son to accompany me.
5. My CC got charged, great. However for the next charge whenever that is in the stages (guess PR fees) - I will have to give a new DD or submit
another fee payment form for CC, right? The reason I am asking is, my card is going to expire by May 2015. I hope they dont assume the same card
can be used for the next charge. Also I am not sure if by May 15 this charge would become due. I really want to know if I have flexibiity to choose
my next payment mode when that is due. Do I have that flexibility?
Sorry for all questions at once.