Mukesh_Bhaker said:
Hi All,
I am new to this forum...just need ur help for immigration file preparation.
Is it ok to prepare file i am first time applying for any kind of immigration...
I have my degree transcript and all the documents ready...
I contacted many immigration consultants in Delhi and they are charging 80,000Rs for the whole littele bit confused about taking immigration consultant help or i should apply myself..
Pls help me in this matter and give ur inputs...
I am a telecom engineer at Ericsson India and applying NOC-2133.....pls suggest..
brother welcome.
see there are some things to be considered if you are applying yourself...its not a rocket science and nothing difficult to do so, its like enjoying pizza while watching brazil get defeated by 7-1....just kidding!

normally people who apply themselves, make some very small mistakes which cause a very heavy and large disaster to your application at cio. we use to read these things on this and other forums. these mistakes are like forgetting signatures, forgetting to fill in right details in forms (even after asking to many times on forums from senior experienced people), forgetting to put in proper details, filling in CC details but getting it printed wrongly, date mentioning issues, spousal and dependent info issues and other things. again understand it that these are very small and basic mistakes or u can say errors but these things count a lot when ur app is received at cio and due to these very basic things the app gets rejected from cio and if ur noc is a hot one than it means u missed it this year just for these basic errors and u have to wait for next year to apply. so if u can properly fill in the forms and details then go ahead and apply yourself, don't waste money on consultants. its easy and saves u some $ u can use later in Canada.
then comes the other thing, people who don't want to risk to get rejected for these silly mistakes (I call it silly cos these are silly mistakes) and lose one whole year (for hot NOCs), better hire a consultant who is listed and recognized by cic (check their website for your country/city). don't look at the fees they are charging....see the benefit that u will get immigration easily, all the hard work they will do it for you cos its their job, its their work they have been doing since last 15 or 20 years! they know all the tricks, tips, techniques to dodge matters at cio, to make up things u r lacking to make ur app strong (I mean it legally, like making cover letters or providing details in a professional way which is accepted at cio), even at cio u get benefit that they wont dig in too deep into ur app as u are represented by their listed consultants (its a fact, the consultant only accepts those applicants which they are sure about can clear the process and get immigration, so u r already checked and ur background is already worked out by consultant, hence minimizing little bit hassle for cio people or VO people).
there are both + - things for both options, think about which way u want to go, my personal preference is to hire a consultant.
hope this helps, good luck.