Iwanna44 said:
Hi guys,
I consulted a lawyer and he told me that most applications are rejected because the reference letters are not written properly. Is that true? Do you know a lawyer or is someone willing to go through my reference letter to give me some advice. I want to do things properly but I feel like the lawyer is scaring me and will tell me anything just to get me to hire him.
Did you guys hire a lawyer?
Thank you
i'm a little bit skeptic about consultants. i believe that anyone who has nerves and knowledge to make such change in its life (as if to move to CA and start its life all over again) and to be eligible for this program, is able to fill out an application. therefore, my standpoint is DO NOT HIRE ANYONE TO FILL OUT YOUR INFO! however, this is just me, and i am not trying to force anyone to do anything. CIC did at least ONE good job - and that is to provide a detailed description on how to fill out forms, what is mandatory, what is not, what needs to be included in the application, what does not need to be included now, but will be mandatory later on in a process, which documents need to be original, which one you can send copies only... so, all you need to do is to take time, read thoroughly, and have someone you trust, read and check your application after you are done. two pairs of eyes are always better than one. good luck and have patience (patience is not my virtue, but i heard is a good one!
