Yes! Idefix comes from Asterix

I've heard about the Buffalo connection related to shopping, I didn't know it extended to medical care too. Interesting but a bit concerning actually.
Why didn't I mention the States? Because it's a complicated issue and my post was already long

The quality of life is high, incomes are higher then in Canada, taxes a bit lower.
Housing is very expensive, interest rates a bit higher.
But as a society they have a lot of issues right now:
- A bit part of the society doesn't like immigrant at all; racism is much higher then in Canada (Ferguson? WTF??);
- They can't seem to agree on an immigration policy; they even have illegal jails on the border that had several innocents in the last years;
- Green Card is a 5 year journey at least - and that's because I have a Masters;
- Violence is much higher - partially related to low spendings on Social Sector;
...and on and on. We'll discuss this over a couple of beers in a few months
Don't get me wrong: I would gladly live in France, US, Germany, UK... but after carefully looking at them, I think Canada has a better fit for me.
Regarding the "Real Canada" you mentioned earlier: people can't expect to go to Canada, find that everything is perfect, jobs are easy and pay a lot, houses are cheap.... If you can't find a job at your home country, chances are you are probably going to have a hard time finding jobs in Canada too.
If you are very good at what you do back home, then your chances increase a lot. I expect to find a very qualified job market, a lot of competition - and that's one of the big selling points for me. I find it much better to work with very competent people.