Hi Friends,
Just sharing with all the PCC process for friends who are applying for it.. I got my PER on 18th Nov. I had filled up the online form on www.passportindia.gov.in for my wife and me. I did not pay the fee online and neither did I book any appointment as I was asked not to do so by the customer care. I visited PSK yesterday at 8:30 am and I got PCC stamped on my passport at 1:00 pm. They have also given a certificate signed by the passport officer. In my case, the passport officer did not ask for any other document except a copy of passport (as my address in the passport and my current address is same). Thank GOD, I had recently renewed my passport and got my wife's passport with spouse name printed on it, so the address on both of our passport were current.
Some of the PSK might ask you for the document checklist, as I had read in one of the post, although I was not asked to produce any other document. And yes, you don't even require to carry your photograph as it is captured at the PSK. This may not be such a short process, however, if the address in your passport is different from your current address.
All the best for your PCC.