farhaantariq said:
the fact is that, most of us don't know how to properly fill the forms and how to submit and write docs........for the very 1st or even 2nd 3rd time...........what happens is we waste precious time and cap gets filled and we wait for next year and so on.........so normally this takes 2nd or 3rd attempt to successfully submit the app.
now there are people of 2 opinions....
1st one those who say we don't want to waste that much time (normally 2 3 years) instead we can pay 1500 to 3000 dollars (depend on how much u can bargain or if living in a big city & hiring top consultant then cost of hiring consultants are typically high)...and bypass all the headache and get entry into Canada within 14 - 16 months. the benefit of this approach is that u don't have to do anything, just sit back and relax......everything ur consultant will do (but make sure he is listed on cic website and recognized one, not crooks) and u successfully (in most of the cases) enters in Canada easily and quickly, if u r even lacking in points these people are law experts and they can make up 3 to 4 points for u easily,,,,,,the bad thing.......u sacrifice 1500 - 3000 dollars on consultants!
2nd one are those who says to hell with consultants, its not required and thousands of people go without them so we can also. now in this some people are lucky and make no mistakes and get it in the 1st attempt........but u know even a single mistake like not signing the form or forgot it to sign, filled wrong info in any one field of any form......can result in a rejection......its much more like a trial and check method for most of the cases.............the good thing u save thousands of dollars..........the bad thing....u waste 2 3 years to get into Canada! and remember if u r rejected once, 2nd or 3rd time u will be scrutinized more deeply and in detail.
if u search the internet.........the number of applicants getting into Canada each year through consultants are way higher than those who don't hire them..........again I m not advocating to hire consultant or encouraging to do so.........its just matter of circumstances.
my suggestion: if u can manage or u can say waste some thousand dollars......then hire consultant and get rid of any chances of rejection, headache, manual follow ups and other things.
farhaantariq, i'd say you found a really good consultant, who made you believe that you cannot fill in your application properly!

))) just kiddin', but i must say i strongly disagree with your above statements.
as you said yourself in your statements above, the rejections that one can face when filling its info on their own, is if they skipped signing in the document, filled wrong info... so, based on this, if you fill your application on your own and DON'T PAY ENOUGH ATTENTION or is half-cocked, is just matter of one's attention.. not knowledge... so if you pay enough attention - you are gonna do it right. if you don't read it thoroughly, you can make mistake! and also, it is not always a case that fist time applicants get rejected! there are so many examples of this statement not to be true.
in the other hand, if you hire consultant, you must be aware that they also make mistakes - i read somewhere in this forum, that one consultant entered wrong birthday for an applicant... what i'm trying to say is that everyone can make mistake. consultants surely have more experience with it, but they cannot do anything to improve your chances of getting your PER or visa faster.
so, my view on this is to have more faith in yourself and your abilities! ;D just kidding, i'm not advocating either, since each one of us will do what she/he believes is best for them, and that is the only right thing to do! good luck to all of us this year - especially first time applicants who applied on their own!! ;D just a joke, to all of us equally!
