Thanks for all those who answered my vague doubts...
Today morning i got the email from delhi immigration asking for MR... i did not get any AOR also the MR request is in pdf form and not in email.. There were no congratulatory emails... as i hoped for

Dear applicant,
- Medical forms for all sent by a separate message
Please find attached correspondence which refers to your application for permanent residence.
Kindly follow the below link for information on payment of fees:
Now my question is what all i need to do now from here on?if there are already posts on these topics pls let me know..
MR - where can i find the details of what tests to be done and send to NDVO?
PCC - how to do that in india (hyd) and how long does it take?
RPRF - again i need to pay i guess around 26k INR? and its through DD or chq only..
sorry i might sound like amateur pls help provide your views here..?