Optimist3 said:
Thank you very much for that. Can you kindly let me know which office should I approach in Bangalore. I am new to this place. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Something i got when i googled... was lazy to type all details ;D all the steps are similar to what we went through.
Plus as i said before, for each step you will get SMS.
Bangalore One counters are present in Commissioner's office itself, but there maybe queue.
Type 2: Commissioner of Police PCC: This is a letter that the Commissioner's Office issues you. This is to state that you don't have/had any legal issues pending against you.
a) Obtain a form from the Commissioner's Office and fill it.
b) Pay the fees, and obtain a challan. (At any one of the Bangalore One counters (There is one in Commissioner's office itself))
c) Submit the form, challan, address proof, 3 photos at the Commissioner's Office.
d) The form will be processed at the Commissioner's Office.
e) From there, it will get forwarded to your local police station.
f) Your police station will call you when they see your application. Then you may need to either visit the police station, or the person may come to your home. If you don't hear from them for a long time, you should follow this up so you can be sure things are moving along.
g) You will need to keep the following ready when you see the police person: (i) Letters from 2 neighbors which state complete address, how long they've known you, how long they've lived at that address, that you have good moral character & conduct. Exact dates required. (ii) Copy of your passport (iii) Copy of driving license (iv) Copy of election card. (v) Copy of anything else that the police ask of.
h) Once this verification is completed, the police station will send the papers back to the Commissioner's Office.
i) You can go back to the Commissioner's Office a couple of days before the said date, and confirm that they have received all the papers.
j) They will give you the clearance at that point, or ask you to come back on the said date at which point you will be given the PCC.
k) If you need 2 copies (Sometimes you may need to file other immigration related papers for children/dependents, etc., or need PCCs for 2 separate countries), you can submit 2 forms, make payment for each of these forms, and usually the Commissioner's Office will be OK to issue you 2 PCCs.
Courtesy Reference Link:
Its in Infantary Road if going by rick or walking you can enter the main gate. If however going by car, enter Cunningham road. Second left from there (its a narrow road). ask around