Hi Friends,
I am a newbie here and would like to network with people who are applying under FSW. Our code is NC 0112 for Human Resources Managers. We are not planning on getting a consultant as we are being charge C$2800. The amount is quite costly and we could already add that one to the Settlement Funds which in our case is like almost $25000 as we have 3 kids. We gather the documents alone and with a little help from some friends. We already produced most of them except for the ECA and IELTS. My question po is, with regard to ECA, can we already process for the ECA while preparing for other docs? I believe the ECA is included in the checklist. Are they cases that ECA are even the first to arrive in the VAC before the application itself? We are also taking the IELTS anytime soon

Appreciate any feedback :-D Warm Regards to everyone!