Oscar7 said:
Certainly a good thought. 
Although 75% questions asked are on information already provided either on CIC website, in the Instruction Guide (IMM EG7000) and/ or in any of the application package documents. It is about making the effort to go through these materials.
The world is not expected to be perfect (thank God, it is not perfect) and therefore we are not restricted to the 25% really useful questions here that might not be available through the above mentioned artifacts.
But it sure will make life easier for a lot of people who are providing answers, by saying please refer to page 1047 for example, if many FAQ answers were listed at one place.
Totally agree with you.
By adding general necessary info in the first post, I didn't really mean to cut people off with their questions & simply asking them to refer to some other page/post for everything. In fact, there will always be some unique questions related to filling up the forms or related to their case in general, answering such questions might be helpful for someone else down the line too. I mean that's why we are all here for, to help each other out. But if someone merely asks for say affidavit format or processing steps, then they could be asked to simply refer to a particular post/page & save each other some time.
Yea, even though a lot of information available on CIC website, people generally feel little more confident when it comes from another "human", be it their consultant/lawyers or forum members, doesn't matter if it's the same information, but a feeling of reassurance is always helpful