Category: FSW2014
NOC: 1114
Application received Date: 23 Sept 2014
Payment status: CC Charged on 10th Dec 2014
PER: Waiting
I have a question about the timelines. How long does it take for the PER mail after CC charged. I asked my consultant and tried looking at this forum too but there is no uniform reply.
Please, senior members, please advise on following.
1. Average time for issuance of PER. / At present, it is ranging from 10-30 days. I.e. some receive it within 10-15 days and there are also some who reported after 30 days of CC charge.
2. Will CIC send me the mail directly or it will they send it to my agent. / If agent has given his email ID for correspondence, your agent will receive the PER mail.
3. Am I within normal range. / I am 4th Sep applicant and I received PER on 19th Nov. so you're within normal range.
4. How do I find out my UCI number and how to log onto the ECA (or ECS) system. CIC sends UCI # in the PER mail itself. Once you have received PER mail, you can log onto ECAS. Just type Ecas status on google and click on the first link.
Please update my timelines on the google drive. I don't have editing rights.