I would like to express my sincere thanks to Idima, ramgarhia, geekaye, barcomi, manish, maina, gill, Islandbabe, Rawdah and many others who wished me luck and charm. Thanks everyone and to this
perfect web platform created by Islandbabe and nourished by Jigzzy and other moderators.
Yes, I could use the word 'perfect' here coz what we expect of a public discussion forum was all available here in various mixes and concentrations; support, suggestion, queries, feedback, guidance not ruling out some difference in opinions, repeated Qs and As, unwarranted rebuke, aggression and quarrels, holy lectures, unseen fear factors, perceptions and theories on CAP updates and way in which CIC works and 'Do I fall in the cap?', 'Should I apply now when it's already June?' questions. And how could we manage to miss some funny debates on 'as of', washing clothes in Switzerland trying to solve the nomad age riddle of Chicken or Egg? But then that's what makes us human and this forum a place for us. And I wholehearted thank for this. This place is not about the theory of give-n-take. It's about selflessly helping others and learning in the process of helping others.
Without this spreadsheet, I and am sure many others would have been blind. For me, how would I have known precisely if about which time I can hear anything on a CC charge or till how long the caps will hold and many other questions that would have remained unanswered were there no spreadsheet?
Long story short - I'm glad I'm here and really enjoying all the 'masala' despite some old friends gone (including Idoit and his mail girl). I quite often missed visiting the forum and can't be of much help in the recent past but I'll try to cover that up with all the resources and knowledge at my disposal.
Thanks to all the forum-ers and moderators for the support they extended in making that happen.