Congratulations Idima!

And thanks for keeping our spirits up all this time.
Also, since I wasn't around for long time - congrats to all of you who were waiting long and got your deserved PERs and/or charges!
Off course - a big gratitude for all the people that kept answering even the dullest and simplest question here and tirelessly maintaining the stats sheet!
Excuse me guys & gals for being absent this long right after I got an opportunity to help with admin works here. I got some vacation + business trips + private issues + business trips again and actually it's not really done yet, so I'll be out for some time more.
BTW, I was checking the stats now and then and things seemed to be balancing on the edge for me all the time, but after latest updates I'm not so optimistic after all. Unless CIC started playing some weird stats game in Sidney.
40 people here on the forum are before me and only 70 positions to fill at best.
So - all of you fellow ITers that were a bit faster than 6/24 - good luck happy waiting and congrats in advance!
BTW, in the meantime I was working on opening some other doors, just in case this one get shut. Looks like that other doors will come in handy after all.