Hello Everyone..
We all know there are more applicants who visit this forum and really appreciate the hard work our awesome admins are doing.
But we are now seeing many silent spectators who just pop-up when some doubt or problem arises and expect people to help urgently.
All forum members are replying to their queries without any second thought.They just want everyone to be on spreadsheet so that people will have better visibility.So please be fair and help in achieving the goal of this thread ;D
Few old forum members are also annoyed by the behavior of silent spectators but it is normal human behavior to be.
I welcome all new forum members and hope we will see more spreadsheet updates soon
One more thing if people don't see the new members in spreadsheet might be they will reluctant to reply queries as most of the old members got DD charged or PER received and they may stop paying attention on silent spectators..Just saying
So the best idea would be help each other and get benefited