I guess the reason why the stop processing apps at CPP-O is, that....they wait for other VOs. Otherwise it could be to big discrepancy in timing between VOs. They went like a storm, but other VO's still are ages in back, so they decided to stop for a while and come back to backlogs. When more VOs will get similar at least level to CPP-O, they will start to process 2013 apps again. Soon NDVO will be in exact progress as CPP-O so maybe soon CPP-O will start to process.
This is what I think.
And about an
INTERVIEW. I see that this subject is under some tension now. They ask for interview from 2 reasons.
1. They have doubts about facts provided in apps by applicant; something may be somehow fishy for them.
2. They ask for interview supreme applicants with perfect apps to get more experience in interviewing, to know how to manage such an interview.
Anyway, every VO must do some percentage of interviews per year and program. So certain amount of interview will be always.
And our mate shouldn't be worry about his brother, because, THEY ALWAYS specify a reason of an interview. Every app has a right to be prepared and gain supportive docs. In this case reason is not specified, so its is clearly reason number 2.

So ther is nothing to be worry about.