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Forced citizenship - ways to cancel/renounce


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Oct 1, 2013
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I heard on the news yesterday that Ukraine is unstable and is going to make a decision to whether to join the EU or Russia. The Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs have visited Ukraine to support its alliance with the EU.

I don't know your situation. But can't you go work in Russia as a Canadian and wait till this matter is resolved?


May 9, 2013
100questions said:
farrous, they are not taking away my citizenship, they just would not renew my passport. And technically I placed my signature there, so technically its voluntarily. What happened is my grandfather was on his deathbed, and my parents said unless I sign the citizenship application they would not let me fly there to see him.
Russcan, the process you are suggesting is illegal. Гр-н Украины обязан въезжать в Украину по украинским документам. Внутреннего паспорта у меня нет, так как когда я выезжал из Украины мне не было 16 лет. У меня родители переругались с родственниками, в результате на меня завещано до фига имущества, Вы сами понимаете, в течении 6 месяцев там надо вступать в права наследства иначе гос-ву квартиру отходит.
Eileenf, I know that, I made my child dream come true thanks to the citizenship - I visited UK. But now things are more serious. First the property, second my uncle in Moscow has good position, he said after i get my degree, I come and I will be set for a stable job with decent income. With Ukrainian passport its no problem, with Canadian its a lot more difficult to get status there. And for me PR is great, the only downside is visa for europe, but again, its a small thing in the bigger scale.

.1 статьи 19 ЗУ "О гражданстве" Підставами для втрати громадянства України є:

"1) добровільне набуття громадянином України громадянства іншої держави, якщо на момент такого набуття він досяг повноліття.
Добровільним набуттям громадянства іншої держави вважаються всі випадки, коли громадянин України для набуття громадянства іншої держави повинен був звертатися із заявою чи клопотанням про таке набуття відповідно до порядку, встановленого національним
законодавством держави, громадянство якої набуто"

Также можете сюисаться с этими ребятами (can't post links)
google for "Срок оформления двойного гражданства в Украине – 21 р.д. "

НУ и на конец: вы можете написать генеральную доверенность чтобы вас кто то преставлял на момент получрния наслрдия. Вряд ли надо быть обязательно лично.


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Oct 1, 2013
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ukie132 said:
It is quite unlikely that you are NOT making mistake of your life.
Some facts:

1. Getting citizenship of another country doesn't automatically revoke your Ukrainian citizenship. Up to date there is single known case when Ukraine has revoked someones citizenship without his ask. Actually hundreds thousands people want this to happen to them as the process of loosing Ukrainian citizenship is extremely bureaucratic and long. Yes, there is extremely small chance that they can revoke your Ukrainian citizenship, but it have never happened before.
2. You are still Ukrainian citizen, actually if you commit any crime in Ukraine they won't consider you Canadian and Canadian embassy won't be able to assist. Not having Ukrainian passport doesn't mean you are not Ukrainian citizen.
3. If you renounce your Canadian citizenship, it is likely you'll never get it again or it will be extremely hard to get it. Believe me life in Ukraine sucks.
4. If your parents received exit permit from Ukraine (permission for permanent residence abroad) I guess you can only get your passport in Canadian embassy. Ask them what to do if you don't have PR card and you need passport. I have seen people showing passports of other countries to embassy employees (for instance, Israeli passport). So it is not that scary. If you get Canadian citizenship, I believe you have to notify them within 6 months, otherwise you potentially can be fined 100 or 200 bucks. It is not criminal offence.
5. When you go to Ukraine and apply for Ukrainian passport they will ask you to provide recruitment registration as serving in Ukrainian army is mandatory for men until they are 27. They might stop you from leaving the country unless your parents got exit permit for you. Do you want to serve in Ukrainian army? It is not your parents fault, this is what they tried to avoid for you.
6. Ukrainian law is extremely stupid, do you know that people who live in Ukraine can't open bank accounts or live abroad unless they get permit from government?
7. Please do not cause your parents any troubles, ten years later you will regret it, but you wan't be able to change it. They moved you from country where life expectancy for men 10 years ago was just 62. Where police can harass you just for smiling on the street to them (happened to me as a student). Where trusting people and being friendly is considered being mental. Where you have to give bribes to make business. Where rich people and politicians send their children to live abroad.

I know that your personal situation can be such that life in Ukraine will be happy (you own lot's of property and won't have to ever work).

You can send me personal message, if you have more questions. I know many teenagers get frustrated when they come to another country and loose their friends back home. It is painful, but don't let emotions blind you and force to make bad decisions....

I hear you. People who are from my country tend to miss the culture and relatives and decide to go back and open a business. Two to three years later, they come back and wish they never left Canada. It's hard to survive in third world countries if connections are not in place. I believe it's the same with Ukraine.


Dec 5, 2013
First the property, second my uncle in Moscow has good position, he said after i get my degree, I come and I will be set for a stable job with decent income.
What if your uncle looses his position? What if he get's sick? What if you get some personal issues with him? It is not smart to make some serious decisions unless you have plan B.
Also as Ukrainian you will have to get work permit in Russia, then to apply for permanent residence in couple years. Do you want be second class citizen in third world country?

When I was your age, one of very close family friends promised that we will move to New Zealand together. He made many other promises as well. He never mentioned it again when he was sober.... ;D
I understand your circumstances can be different, but normally you can rely only on those who already proved being responsible and really concerned about you. For instance, your parents...


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2013
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ukie132 said:
It is quite unlikely that you are NOT making mistake of your life.
Some facts:

1. Getting citizenship of another country doesn't automatically revoke your Ukrainian citizenship. Up to date there is no a single known case when Ukraine has revoked someones citizenship without his ask. Actually hundreds thousands people want this to happen to them as the process of loosing Ukrainian citizenship is extremely bureaucratic and long. Yes, there is extremely small chance that they can revoke your Ukrainian citizenship, but it have never happened before.
2. You are still Ukrainian citizen, actually if you commit any crime in Ukraine they won't consider you Canadian and Canadian embassy won't be able to assist. Not having Ukrainian passport doesn't mean you are not Ukrainian citizen.
Ukie132 I am not sure this is entirely true.

It is correct that getting canadian citizenship (or any other) will not automatically revoke Ukranian but I am sure you are required to inform the Ukraine Embassy by law about taking up another citizenship.
Ukraine does not allow dual citizenship - clearly means he cannot hold two passports. He can be of Ukrainian origin by birth but I am 100% sure he will not get a passport until he gives up Canadian.
The people you are talking about must have got their dual long back - once you have a dual citizenship and the law changes - you can still hold dual citizenship.


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Nov 12, 2013
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ukie132 said:
What if your uncle looses his position? What if he get's sick? What if you get some personal issues with him? It is not smart to make some serious decisions unless you have plan B.
Also as Ukrainian you will have to get work permit in Russia, then to apply for permanent residence in couple years. Do you want be second class citizen in third world country?
OP if you have to do all this anyways with Ukrainian citizenship - then why not just do all this with Canadian. :D

At this point, reading all this - giving up canadian does not make any sense to me.


Hero Member
Oct 1, 2013
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If OP gives up his Canadian citizenship, can he later on get it back from his parents (knowing his parents are Canadian Citizens)?

Also can't OP go to Russia with a work permit and apply at the Ukrainian Embassy there? They will ask for a status and he will have the Work Permit.


Dec 5, 2013
vermanaman said:
Ukie132 I am not sure this is entirely true.
There are no people who lost their Ukrainian citizenship just because they received citizenship of another country. Yes, according to constitution and the law there are grounds to lose citizenship, but it have never happened so far.

It is correct that getting canadian citizenship (or any other) will not automatically revoke Ukranian but I am sure you are required to inform the Ukraine Embassy by law about taking up another citizenship.
If you don't inform, you get fined (2-3 years old law)

Ukraine does not allow dual citizenship - clearly means he cannot hold two passports.
Ukraine doesn't have dual citizenship agreements with other countries, which doesn't imply you cannot be a citizen of other countries. It just means, for Ukraine you are always Ukrainian citizen no matter how many passports you have.

He can be of Ukrainian origin by birth but I am 100% sure he will not get a passport until he gives up Canadian.
If his parents got exit permit and registered in Ukrainian embassy, he is extremely likely to get his passport there. It might require extra efforts though. He is not supposed to have internal Ukrainian passport if he got exit permit in Ukraine.

The people you are talking about must have got their dual long back - once you have a dual citizenship and the law changes - you can still hold dual citizenship.
People are known to show both Canadian and Ukrainian passports in Ukrainian airport when they leave Ukraine to Ukrainian official as a proof they can legally enter Canada. So far no one was stopped from leaving Ukraine.


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Nov 12, 2013
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ukie132 said:
People are known to show both Canadian and Ukrainian passports in Ukrainian airport when they leave Ukraine to Ukrainian official as a proof they can legally enter Canada. So far no one was stopped from leaving Ukraine.
This is correct. You can provided you have Ukraine Passport. If you dont, I dont see why they wont let you enter on a Canadian Passport.


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Nov 12, 2013
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farrous13 said:
If OP gives up his Canadian citizenship, can he later on get it back from his parents (knowing his parents are Canadian Citizens)?

Also can't OP go to Russia with a work permit and apply at the Ukrainian Embassy there? They will ask for a status and he will have the Work Permit.
No. He cannot get it back later. His parents will also not be able to sponsor him for PR since he will no longer be a dependent (assuming the he is over 18, and by the time he does all this - he will be over the age limit)

Yes OP can go to russia with a work permit and apply at Ukrainian Embassy there...he will still need to show his candian passport and russian work permit.


Dec 5, 2013
vermanaman said:
This is correct. You can provided you have Ukraine Passport. If you dont, I dont see why they wont let you enter on a Canadian Passport.
It is not about entering Ukraine. It is about assuming ownership of property. It can be hard or impossible to do unless you own Ukrainian passport.


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Nov 12, 2013
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ukie132 said:
It is not about entering Ukraine. It is about assuming ownership of property. It can be hard or impossible to do unless you own Ukrainian passport.
The OP already owns it. ::)


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Oct 1, 2013
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OP do you have any connections. I know it works in third world countries. When I went to the consulate in Montreal to apply for my wife's visa, they told me that if I know someone that I could pay I would be able to get the visa asap, no questions asked. This was in MONTREAL!!!! lol


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Nov 12, 2013
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farrous13 said:
OP do you have any connections. I know it works in third world countries. When I went to the consulate in Montreal to apply for my wife's visa, they told me that if I know someone that I could pay I would be able to get the visa asap, no questions asked. This was in MONTREAL!!!! lol
:eek: LOL did this actually happen? I am pretty sure OP or anyone cannot get a PR status in Canada with any connection unless he personally knows the Prime Minister or Minister of Immigration Affairs.
Or he is granted on Refugee or H&C grounds.