Alright, i'm gonna try to keep it short.
It's an inland application. My wife is sponsoring me. My wife got approved to sponsor me, we got a letter in regards to that on september 30th. On there it had an application number and everything, so I decided to look into it online.
When we go on CIC and put in my wifes information, using the common application number, but using her name and date of birth, her thing shows up, name and everything. It says "sponsorship application status: in process." When I click "in process" it says when application was received, when acknowleding receipt was sent and it also says that they sent her correspondens September 30th about the decision. The correspondens we have from Sep 30th is her being accepted as sponsor as i mentioned earlier.
Then it also says "permanent residence application status: decision made." When I click decision made, all it says is what date they received application in May 2014, thats it.
So we go onto mine instead, using the common application number again since I do not have any client ID yet, but again we use my name, date of birth etc so my thing shows up, name and everything, its all good. All it says on mine is "Permanent residence application status: Decision made." When I click it it says what day in may 2014 they received the application, and it also says that they sent me a letter on October 2nd. To be exact it says:
"We sent you a letter on October 2, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us."
We never received any letter. We have an incompetent representative that we do no trust anymore that would receive it for us. When he received my wifes SA little over a week ago (en email) he was quick to advice us, the same day actually. However we haven't heard anything about an October 2nd email/letter. I even talked to him this morning, no word of it.
For my wife they worded it something like "we have a sent a letter with a decision" but thats not how they word it for me...all it says is the sent a letter...does that mean they sent letter asking for additional stuff rather than a decision?
So, what does this mean?? Decision made? Letter sent? But no letter?
Thanks guys. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I guess good?!
It's an inland application. My wife is sponsoring me. My wife got approved to sponsor me, we got a letter in regards to that on september 30th. On there it had an application number and everything, so I decided to look into it online.
When we go on CIC and put in my wifes information, using the common application number, but using her name and date of birth, her thing shows up, name and everything. It says "sponsorship application status: in process." When I click "in process" it says when application was received, when acknowleding receipt was sent and it also says that they sent her correspondens September 30th about the decision. The correspondens we have from Sep 30th is her being accepted as sponsor as i mentioned earlier.
Then it also says "permanent residence application status: decision made." When I click decision made, all it says is what date they received application in May 2014, thats it.
So we go onto mine instead, using the common application number again since I do not have any client ID yet, but again we use my name, date of birth etc so my thing shows up, name and everything, its all good. All it says on mine is "Permanent residence application status: Decision made." When I click it it says what day in may 2014 they received the application, and it also says that they sent me a letter on October 2nd. To be exact it says:
"We sent you a letter on October 2, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us."
We never received any letter. We have an incompetent representative that we do no trust anymore that would receive it for us. When he received my wifes SA little over a week ago (en email) he was quick to advice us, the same day actually. However we haven't heard anything about an October 2nd email/letter. I even talked to him this morning, no word of it.
For my wife they worded it something like "we have a sent a letter with a decision" but thats not how they word it for me...all it says is the sent a letter...does that mean they sent letter asking for additional stuff rather than a decision?
So, what does this mean?? Decision made? Letter sent? But no letter?
Thanks guys. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I guess good?!