I agree with you 100%, but I want to add one subtle point here.
I remember you mentioned once you were european (I may be mistaken, sorry). As immigrants from politically unstable countries, our situation is different. We are facing a great dilemma here - A. stay in Canada to get a passport and relative security by going through the humiliations of survival jobs for long years or B. Go to Thailand, Gulf etc., exploit opportunities, earn good money and return home once work permit is gone, where we are likely to be bombed into ashes sooner or later. Our decision ultimately depends on whether we value general life security or social status more.
After 1 year of doing jobs that a person with 3 university degrees from best european universities should not be doing, I left Canada because I prefer getting bombed into ashes on my way from highly qualified work to home than peacefully washing dishes in canada. we have a saying in my language: "It is better to die while you are standing free on your feet, than live all your life sitting on your knees as slave". However, I know many immigrants from middle east who stay in canada because they prefer security over professional self-fulfillment, they do not regret losing all their skills they had and they are happy. I respect their choice as they respect mine. Everybody should live his life as he deems it appropriate and I am not judging anybody.
mrbeachman said:
Who cares it it's Thailand or any other country such as middle east. My main point is that there are plenty of opportunities elsewhere and if you think for one second that you need to become a Canadian resident to succeed, you are greatly mistaken.
Just think about the years spent not getting a job in Canada then leaving for another country where the opportunities are aplenty.