jetoquebec said:
maybe its also good to ask your selves, " can you practice as a nurse in quebec without B2 level?"
I think in an English hospital it is possible. I watched a clip wherein the doctors and nurses are basically Anglophones (they needed an interpreter for their uni-lingual Francophone patient), so I am assuming charting is done in English in these hospitals. However, the patients are Francophones. With higher B1 level (i.e. last modules), at least one would be able to converse with the patients at least? And besides, once we get there, we could enter into free French language courses. We may not be able to work immediately in the healthcare field, but at least we have our immigration settled. A lot of piece of mind there, if you ask me.

I just want to know if we have a chance of being given a CSQ even without a B2 level yet if we already have the attained enough points, because if that is indeed the case, our waiting time will be less, don't you think?