Dear All,
After the exhaustive research conducted past few days regarding "In Process" and "Decision Made" status we have came to the conclusion and I hope that it makes now clear what the verdict will be in Jan,14 - Jan,16 2013 hearing.
Our base to reach the conclusion was the verdict delivered by Hon. Justice D. J. Rennie on 14 Jun,2012 in Liang V/s MCI case.
Please refer to the link for the decision :
A million dollar question "why certain cases are kept in process" ? and answer to this is as follow
Refer to the link above
Hon. Judge clearly stated in the answer to the question "Was there unreasonable delay ?" that delay can be accounted for three reasons
I quote from the judgement
" (1) the delay in question has been longer than the nature of the process required, prima facie;
(2) the applicant and his counsel are not responsible for the delay; and
(3) the authority responsible for the delay has not provided satisfactory justification."
All three points are satisfied in the delay.
Secondly, Hon. Judge has given clear indication that MI's should not effect the processing of the Pre C-50 application. Further Hon. Judge said that Minister's argument cannot succeed as it does not apply to Pre Feb 2008 applicant. Hence minister cannot rely on the 87.3 (Bill C-50) to justify the delay. Judge clearly said that "in respect of the pre-C50 applications, the Ministerial Instructions cannot constitute a satisfactory justification for delay."
Thirdly, I quote from decision " However, section 87.3 does not eliminate the Minister's duty to process applications in a reasonably timely manner, at least those applications that are accepted for processing. There is no language in section 87.3 or any other amendment to the Act that extinguishes the longstanding, well-accepted duty to process applications in a reasonable time frame. The Minister can set instructions that permit him to return some applications without processing them at all, and thus obviously there is no further duty in respect of those applications. However, for those that are determined eligible for processing, the duty to do so in a reasonably timely manner remains, absent clear legislative language extinguishing that duty"
Now conclusion
a) Those application that have elapsed the avg. time required to process 80% is kept in process (Eg. New Delhi VO 97 months so an applicant waiting for more than 97 months are kept in process)
b) Those application that are determined eligible for the processing i.e. PSDEC positive and total point calculation by case analyst greater than 67 are kept in process
First, As Hon. Judge has already delivered the verdict in Liang case that minister has to perform the duty in reasonable time frame and application of Pre C-50 should not be effected by bill C-50. So Hon. Judge will not contradict his own decision.
Second, those having greater time than avg. processing time is kept in process.
If we speculate the judgement of Jan 2013 hearing I believe that Hon. D.J. Rennie will deliver verdict something like this
To process applications kept in abeyance without any reason than avg. time required. (For eg. New Delhi applicant waiting for more than 97 months MIGHT be processed. Further, to process the application determined eligible for processing. i.e. PSDEC positive and total points greater than 67.
Most of the applications having positive PSDEC and kept in abeyance for more than avg. period required for processing are kept in process and that MIGHT be processed.
Disclaimer: All views are personal and further comments are welcomed