No, I'm not, and the outcome of the court case will demonstrate that.
Oh my god...please stop with the ridiculous "interest" nonsense. CIC is not a bank. If you want interest, go put your money into a bank.
And if they DID agree to refund your fees PLUS interest, would that make you feel completely okay with the fact that your application will not be processed? It's a completely ridiculous argument to bring "interest" into this, because you and I both know that the extra $30 or $40 would do nothing to silence the "human rights" claims from those truly special people.
Any and all costs of immigration applications and subsequent tests, documents, etc etc are all the responsibility of the applicant. If you applied to any other country, they too would expect YOU to pay for those things, and they wouldn't refund your money in the event of your application being rejected or thrown out.
The breaking party already agreed to refund the cost of the applications even without a court ordering them to do so. It was the right thing to do, and anything beyond the application fee will be deemed a known and accepted risk by the applicant, and will not be refunded. Even IF those applications would've been processed, there's absolutely zero guarantee of a visa approval. So what's next? Are people going to start suing CIC to refund their IELTS costs and medical exam costs and all the other costs when their applications are rejected? :
It will always be the applicant who benefits, for the very simple reason that APPLICATION = POSSIBLE ROUTE TO CANADA.
That's an invalid comparison.
Applying for citizenship means you've already been accepted into Canada, AND you've spent the required amount of years already INSIDE the country, AND you've met all the required terms and conditions, which means the only thing that could stand in the way of your citizenship would be if you committed a serious criminal offense that would warrant deportation.
On the other hand, applying for ENTRY into Canada is a completely different matter and comes with absolutely no guarantees, and your application can be rejected for a million different reasons, including a very simple "We changed our minds and don't need new immigrants at the present time".