Oh god the email notifications!! Haha. Its my partner whose waiting for it but I keep expecting her to forward me the email! Well today has passed so maybe tomorrow!! 
Yup.. Let's hope for tomorrowGary_87 said:Oh god the email notifications!! Haha. Its my partner whose waiting for it but I keep expecting her to forward me the email! Well today has passed so maybe tomorrow!!![]()
Thanks!! I wish you the best as well, I'm sure it will all work out.Iay said:Oh well, it all happens for a reason, so I'm just praying that everything will turn out good. I wish you the best on your application. I hope you will get AOR and SA soon, so you can send those other documents with your application. Keep us posted!
Okay, now you are getting me paranoid!! I didn't write much in the essays section. I am not a very "romantic" person and neither is my wife. I just believe that the evidence will speak for itself. I figure the CIC officials have seen so many applications in the past that they have a good vibe on who is real and who is questionable and I also believe that overkill is not good. I have nothing to hide and I believe it will all work out for the best.......it HAS to because I will go crazy if it doesn't. lol I mean, come on, I was married to a man for 16 years and had 2 kids with him and then divorced him and ended up falling in love and marrying a woman. If anyone is going to be questioned it is gonna be me!! But that is the truth, the whole truth, and nothig but the truth.skas13 said:Gary, once you get yours I hope it's like a domino effect for all of ours, as it seems you mailed your app one of the first this month!
My problem is I am a pre-worrier. I worry before I have to. I keep going over everything in my head, every equation, every document, is it enough, is it the right one, is the essay too opportunistic. Seriously I will drive myself bananas if I keep doing this. I need to stop reading the Appeals thread!!![]()
Indeed - stop reading it!! it's a much higher percentage of applications that get approved than denied, and unless you have a highly unusual case, you will be approved... think about it as "WHEN" you get approved, not "IF" you do, and read the previous months (rather than the appeal) to get an idea of how fast people are approved... your VO has a fairly good record of fast approval : in my signature you can see the APril spreadsheet, and you can see that most of ND applicants are approved, and that's including a 3 months first stage approval, second stage for ND were sometimes as quick as 3 months, rarely more than 5...skas13 said:Gary, once you get yours I hope it's like a domino effect for all of ours, as it seems you mailed your app one of the first this month!
My problem is I am a pre-worrier. I worry before I have to. I keep going over everything in my head, every equation, every document, is it enough, is it the right one, is the essay too opportunistic. Seriously I will drive myself bananas if I keep doing this. I need to stop reading the Appeals thread!!![]()
Married 4 years, 2 kids!! and living together! nothing to worry about indeed. You are already back in Canada if I understand well - so you have nothing to worry about. My application was also "short" compared to others, and it got approved without problem...skas13 said:I was (AM) 100% confident in our application, because we have a completely genuine relationship. We've been married almost 4 years and I lived in India for most of that time, and we have two kids together. I had a hard time to get the guy to move to Canada! LOL I mean he always knew I wanted to be back here, but his family is important to him and he worries about what life will be like for them when he leaves. As the only son, if you know anything about India, plays a huge role in family dynamics. Plus he wanted to be completely ready to immigrate, tie up loose ends in India before he did.
But then I read a few posts and a few had like 500 pages in their application, (mine was 114- we lived together no emails or much other communication to send) and then there was someone saying they got denied and had a child with her husband, and another one was crying discrimination and the government had some conspiracy against her. SO yes, I need to stop reading it because you are right, we are only get half the story.
And Buffy I completely agree with you, I have nothing to hide whatsoever, and in my mind and heart there is not much else I can do to prove our relationship than what I sent in. So, I have to be confident and positive.
Awesome Attitude Skas!! There are 2 sides to every story, and I know that people on these boards have some horror stories that scare all of us but I have to concentrate on my relationship and the validity of it nd no one else's. I only have to prove to the CIC officials that my relationship is true and I have no doubt in my mind that I can do that- even if it means an interview. I kow how I feel and I know how true my reationship is and that is all that matters.skas13 said:I was (AM) 100% confident in our application, because we have a completely genuine relationship. We've been married almost 4 years and I lived in India for most of that time, and we have two kids together. I had a hard time to get the guy to move to Canada! LOL I mean he always knew I wanted to be back here, but his family is important to him and he worries about what life will be like for them when he leaves. As the only son, if you know anything about India, plays a huge role in family dynamics. Plus he wanted to be completely ready to immigrate, tie up loose ends in India before he did.
But then I read a few posts and a few had like 500 pages in their application, (mine was 114- we lived together no emails or much other communication to send) and then there was someone saying they got denied and had a child with her husband, and another one was crying discrimination and the government had some conspiracy against her. SO yes, I need to stop reading it because you are right, we are only get half the story.
And Buffy I completely agree with you, I have nothing to hide whatsoever, and in my mind and heart there is not much else I can do to prove our relationship than what I sent in. So, I have to be confident and positive.
That is very sweet of you Buffy2323. Throw that negative thoughts away and let's just hope for the best.Buffy2323 said:Of course, I will offer any support I can to my fellow February applicants as well.I have a feeling we will all become veryclose in the coming months.
On both imm0008 and the sponsor equivalent of the form (can't remember its number) there was a space to enter an email address. Its this one they'll contact you through.PcDm7 said:Just a question, but how does the CPC know our email address to get the AOR verification? I don't recall giving my email only when I paid my fees online.