Rossei said:
You answered it. There could 2010-11-12 eligible people's application be returned when 5000 cap is reached. Well, they will be processed in 2015 along with new applicants with NOA of 2011-12-13. And if 5000 for next year isn't enough; it will go to the following year. I hope it's not called backlogs.
The once the applications reached the 5000 cap, all the rest of the applications will be returned, both opened and unopened. They will not hold them in queue for 2015 applications. You will have to reapply again, only this time, using the 2011, 2012, 2013 taxation years for qualification. This is not a backlog. A backlog is when they hold on to applications and forward them toward next year. That would be considered a backlog, like it was happening under the old PGP rules. Applications get added and added to the point that the queue gets ridiculously long and severely backlogged.
Don't forget there is a visa called SuperVisa that will help bring their parents/grandparents to Canada as a temporary (more likely to be permanent) measure while the severe backlog of PGP under the old rules get cleared up. The 5000 cap will allow CIC to continue processing the PGP under the old rules, eventually clearing the backlog without getting a huge flood of applications that caused the backlog in the first place.
If the PGP reopened with no caps, there would be a huge flood of applications coming in to CIC that it will create a backlog once again. The backlog problem would not be solved. CIC only has so many resources / manpower to handle the process. If the applications keep coming in faster than CIC can handle, the backlog get formed and we end up going back to the original problem and parents/grandparents ended up waiting for years and years. By the time their sponsorship come around to them, the parents/grandparents are probably too ill to travel or deceased.