Hello all
I have been reading post on this forum regularly and very impressed by how everyone is willing to help eachother..
Coming to my situation
I created my express entry profile last year and got PT of interest from Ontario...applied to Ontario right away ....I got married in March 2016..informed OINP about it .as my spouse will not accompany me to Canada as of now(He has to give few exams and re-take his Ielts exam)..got my nomination in April 2016..accepted it right away....600 points got added and finally I got iTA on May,6
I was very excited gathered everything all documents.Although I was a bit doubtful about my police certificate because I did my graduation from China and police certificate was issued to us at the end of our graduation in march 2012, however I chose to live there till may 2012 because we need around 1-2 month time to get our credentials legalised at Indian embassy, Beijing and also I thought this was the last time I will ever get a chance to be with my friends and enjoy college life.So the thing was my police certificate said I have no criminal record till march 2012 whereas i resided in China till may,2012..Ignoring my strong doubt about this and after few friends who dela with immigration it's going to be okay I submitted what i had alongwith all other documents and fees for PR on 2nd July...and my application got rejected on 6th July due to the the very same reason I feard...it was my China police certificate..it was all my fault to begin with
Now, I have created new express entry the very next day and have found someone in China to get fresh PCC for me But I have few doubts now:-
1. As Ontario had nominated me in my old EE profile,..I informed them about my status and requested to transfer nomination to my new EE profile ...they replied to me saying they will review my application and asked few documents from my end which i have sent to them...but I am worried how long will it take to reach a decision ??Can they also decide to cancel my nomination ???
2. I am also worried that if Ontario takes time to transfer nomination to my new EE profile ..it would mean all the documents which I have gathered including the ones for proof of funds, letter of references from seniors will get old and CIC may raise a objection if I submit the old ones...and running after my senior consultants to get them signed in fresh date the third time (1st one was for Ontario,second for PR and now again after new iTA)will make my situation bit awkward..
3. Can i submit my LOR that i got signed only a month ago??Does every single bank document needs to be in fresh date??
4. Having been rejectd once..I am afraid what else they can put a objection on???Any suggestions in order to avoid missing anything that I might have otherwise???
5. Lastly I chose to make my sister who is a Canadian citizen ..my representative..which is better to go for ..a desginated individual or a representative and where do I upload use of representative or use of deignated individual form??are there any other documents to be shown for use of representative/designated individual except for the respective forms??
waiting eagerly for a reply..