Hi guys, going through the posts here I found at least 3 users with timelines very similar to mine. Posting here as we could receive some updates this/next week :

(fingers crossed)
(Although CIC is very unpredictable, but trying to be positive about the whole process)
Here is my timeline and ECAS status:
28 Jan - EE created
09 Feb - BOWP paper app received by Vegreville
20 Mar - 5th Draw Got FSW ITA
07 Apr - Medical done
10 Apr - Documents submitted
13 Apr - Received AOR
07 May - Medical Passed/BG Check In Progress
12 May - 3rd line added to ECAS - Application Received
19 May - BOWP granted
1. We received your application for permanent residence on January 28, 2015.
2. We started processing your application on March 5, 2015.
3. Medical results have been received.
My ECAS still shows the dates of EE creation instead of real application received date
Anyone with similar timeline had ECAS dates updated to the real dates already??