I was planning on just submitting a notarized letter but now I think I'll make some adjustments to the template below to have a more official document:Good afternoon, cambada!
By the way, don´t know if anyone needed that, but I´ll have to complete my settlement funds (I was supposed to reach the amount by september/october, but I can´t wait) with a gift deed. From brazilians who have done that, did you use a Escritura de Doação de Bens (notarized brazilian deed) + certified translation or did you simply use a private gift deed with a notarized signature?
Good luck to all of us!
Thanks a lot. I´ve already searched around, including making calls to notaries, and found a few models, that one along with them. But those models all thave a few holes. For that reason, I created a new one that should be suitable for anyone who needs such instrument.I was planning on just submitting a notarized letter but now I think I'll make some adjustments to the template below to have a more official document:
I'm no expert on the subject but that looks great, thanks for sharing!Thanks a lot. I´ve already searched around, including making calls to notaries, and found a few models, that one along with them. But those models all thave a few holes. For that reason, I created a new one that should be suitable for anyone who needs such instrument.
Bear in mind, however:
1. Brazilian law demands that donations over 30 salaries (today at R$ 28.110,00) MUST be publicized (Escritura pública de doação de bens). Those are very expensive and you must pay state tax;
2. Signatures from donor and donee must be notarized (witnesses can be, but not mandatory);
3. If possible, send the donor´s ID and bank statement. This is to make sure the money from the donor is legit and not borrowed. Some applicants had to show this for double checking.
4. All documents must follow certified translations if not in english or french. Even if the donor understands english, I recommend making and notarizing it in our official language.
Model follows below (terms are female but all you have to do is edit):
DOADOR(A): (Nome), (nacionalidade), (estado civil), (profissão), portador da cédula de identidade R.G. nº xxxxxx e CPF/MF nº xxxxxxxx, residente e domiciliado na (Rua), (número), (bairro), (CEP), (Cidade), (Estado);
DONATÁRIO(A): (Nome), (nacionalidade), (estado civil), (profissão), portador da cédula de identidade R.G. nº xxxxxx e CPF/MF nº xxxxxxxx, residente e domiciliado na (Rua), (número), (bairro), (CEP), (Cidade), (Estado);
Pelo presente instrumento particular de DOAÇÃO, fica justo e contratado o que segue:
Por meio do presente instrumento, a DOADORA compromete-se, de livre e espontânea vontade, sem coação ou influência de quem quer que seja, a doar à DONATÁRIA a seguinte vantagem patrimonial:
Transferência financeira, no valor de R$ XX.XXX,XX (XXX mil, XXX reais), referentes a parcela de patrimônio financeiro acumulado em conta corrente no exercício de suas atividades profissionais.
§ 1º. A DOADORA declara ser legítima possuidora e proprietária da vantagem doada.
§ 2º. Ao doar a referida vantagem, a DOADORA transfere toda posse, jus, ação e domínio que sobre ela exercia.
É de livre e espontânea vontade da DOADORA, não existindo vício de vontade de qualquer pessoa, fazer a DOAÇÃO, inter vivos, à DONATÁRIA, a título gratuito, sem encargos ou condições impostas, a vantagem patrimonial descrita na Cláusula 1ª deste instrumento.
A doação regulada neste instrumento tem prazo indeterminado e começa a produzir os seus efeitos na data de sua assinatura.
Ao assinar este instrumento, a DONATÁRIA declara aceitar a vantagem doada, para que fique lhe pertencendo o objeto descrito na Cláusula 1ª, em caráter definitivo e irrevogável.
A doação realizada através deste instrumento diz respeito à parte disponível do patrimônio da DONATÁRIA e não importa em adiantamento de herança, estando, portanto, dispensada de colação, nos termos dos artigos 2.005 e 2.006 do Código Civil Brasileiro (Lei Federal nº 10.406, de 10 de janeiro de 2002).
Para firmeza e como prova de assim justos e contratados, ambas assinam o instrumento particular de DOAÇÃO, conjuntamente com as testemunhas.
(cidade), (estado), xx de xxxx de 201X.
Doadora: Donatária:
____________________________ ___________________________
Testemunha: Testemunha:
____________________________ ___________________________
You´ll need a certified translation for everything not in english or french. In Brazil this is called tradução juramentada.Guys, can anyone help me? I'm completing the e-APR (Inland FSW - Vancouver) and I came across something that is intriguing me. Do I need to provide certified photocopies of the original documents in portuguese that I am uploading? I have already translated everything (PCC, Bank letter and statements from Itau and marriage certificate), my question is, as I have to upload both originals in portuguese and translated version, do I also have to get the photocopies of the originals in portuguese notarized (copia autenticada)? My concern is, some of the documents like the bank letter and the statements I don't have the originals with me. They are still with the bank, they just scanned it and sent it to me by e-mail. Should I just upload the simple copies of the originals in portuguese or do I need to do something else? ? Please advise on this, I have all required documents ready I am just going over the forms and documents to make sure everything is in order. Thank you!!
You´ll need a certified translation for everything not in english or french. In Brazil this is called tradução juramentada.
I strongly advise you to organize documents and translations in indexes to make the immigration officer´s job easier. Place document, then translation, and PDF it before sending.
You can either translate it from Vancouver or from Brazil, but while the brazilian translations may be cheaper, you´ll have trouble getting the original and will need the certified translator to scan them for you.
I made a few translations with Litero Traduções in Rio de Janeiro. They´ve done a good job for a decent price (~R$100/page + Sedex delivery).
This is the sworn statement that CIC requires. Remember to attach originals as well! In my case, the translator stamped the back of the original documents with a translation number, and that same number is mentioned on the translated version, so I scanned also the back of the originals to show this stamp.Thank you so much for your reply! I already translated all the documents that were in Portuguese with a certified translator from Canada. And my translator sent a "Translator Declaration" stating the following:
"...declare that I have translated the attached three documents of (name of applicant) and these are, to the best of my knowledge, a true, faithfull and accurate rendering into English from the wording of the original documents in Portuguese."
Is that enough? or do I still need to certify the photocopies of the originals in portuguese at the Notary or Consulate?
Awesome! I'll ask my translator to do the same!! Thank you everyone for being so helpful!This is the sworn statement that CIC requires. Remember to attach originals as well! In my case, the translator stamped the back of the original documents with a translation number, and that same number is mentioned on the translated version, so I scanned also the back of the originals to show this stamp.
I'm still waiting for my ECA so I don't have a EE profile yet but I would like to be on top of those details when the time comes. The person who translated my university documents didn't include a separate affidavit but she did include one on the header of the translation itself. Something along the line of what gmichelli's translator wrote:This is the sworn statement that CIC requires. Remember to attach originals as well! In my case, the translator stamped the back of the original documents with a translation number, and that same number is mentioned on the translated version, so I scanned also the back of the originals to show this stamp.
Would this be considered enough by CIC or should I ask the translator for a proper affidavit?"...declare that I have translated the attached three documents of (name of applicant) and these are, to the best of my knowledge, a true, faithfull and accurate rendering into English from the wording of the original documents in Portuguese."
Could anyone share what is the name of the document for the POF that you requested? I have an Itau account and have no clue what to ask for.I'm still waiting for my ECA so I don't have a EE profile yet but I would like to be on top of those details when the time comes. The person who translated my university documents didn't include a separate affidavit but she did include one on the header of the translation itself. Something along the line of what gmichelli's translator wrote:
Would this be considered enough by CIC or should I ask the translator for a proper affidavit?
This girl has done an excellent job in her FSW process, and she provided some nice tips for professional records and proof of funds letter. You could use her template:Could anyone share what is the name of the document for the POF that you requested? I have an Itau account and have no clue what to ask for.