What will the forms look like? What documents they will request and will RQ be still a part of the process.
The new single-step decision making model is already in force. The Citizenship Regulations has been amended to support the implementation of the amendments contained in Bill C-24. (http://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-08-13/html/sor-dors186-eng.php) Section 11 of the former Regulations deals with citizenship judge referrals by the citizenship officer. If you look here - http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-93-246/page-8.html#h-6 - Section 11 has been repealed.MUFC said:I hope that they can implement it as soon as possible because the applications will be processed faster for everybody.
MUFC said:Yes correct , now lets hope that all the people will feel the changes.
This is maybe the most difficult structural change which is already enforced.
Then why they still procrastinate the rest of the clauses which are way easier to be enforced?
MUFC said:My personal issue is why whey still refuse to say the real cut of date for the new residency requirement officially, without any room for speculation, because I have big travel plans for next summer and I can make my program easily if I know the real date.
If I buy the tickets as early as possible I will save more money... basically if they say finally what the date will be I will safe money.
The thing I don't understand is that, they were so determinant to cut off the fraud with the applicants who were using the gaps in the current law, they even made the impossible to make the bill a law in such small time frame and they did already the hardest structural administrative change, but everything else is still the same concerning the requirements which the candidates have to fulfill...
If they were so determinant to cut off the fraud and the most difficult aspects are already done about the administrative changes, then why the rest of the law is still waiting on hold.
If they implement all the bill then the fraud levels will drop dramatically.
SinghLovCan said:Is there any benefit in applying with the old rule vs the new rule?