motorcyclerider said:
I know its been mentioned before and on the CIC website that eCAS is updated once a week, usually on Wednesdays. But is this just for when your application is still in stage 1 and being processed within Canada? I have heard people say that they received 2, sometimes 3 updates to their status in eCAS in a single week in stage 2. Some people have mentioned receiving eCAS updates on the weekends. Is it possible that our eCAS status can be updated at anytime by the VOs abroad at anytime during the week? I know many like me actually check eCAS daily, is this unnecessary?
Ecas is unreliable - most of the time, and not really updated. CIC website says that the update happens on tuesdays, but believe me - it happens any time.... it's not updated at VO level, but somewhere in Canada ( and by the time they have been updating the website, it's difficult to figure where - because it doesn't make sense, even with the different time zones in Canada...). So - don't rely too much on it.
Some people went from "application received" to "decision made", without "in process" ( my case, although my address changed to Canada 8h before the decision made...).
Some people have the COPR showing up by post (for visa exempt, no passport needed, so the COPR can arrive "on its own"...) and ecas still says "application received".
Some stay "in process" for 1 day, other for a week, some for months...
For stage 1, it's fairly reliable because there is not many steps involved. So if it says "decision made" on stage 1, and you have no specific reason to think that you have been denied, then you are probably approved. Once you get to stage 2 - checking ecas becomes addictive, but it doesn't actually give you much information... yet it's somehow difficult to stay away from it... but keep in mind - no activity on ecas doesn't mean that your file is not being worked on... and the contrary! the only certainty I would say is that when, in stage 2, it goes "in process", it's fairly certain that your file is being looked at. But if it doesn't go "in process", it doesn't mean that nothing is happening...
Welcome to the wonderful world of CIC and ecas...
Good luck on your application,