If someone can please advise me on what to do about the date in the elctronic forms with regards to the asterisks? Can you add them in or what did others do in that situation.
I know, it doesn't make sense!marcopolocan said:Thanks Bagel
How does CIC expect us to know to use 88888888 and then white it out? Boy the guide really needs clarification in some spots, they make things difficult. I would have thought that being legal documents that you could not use white out at all. The problem with that is that it may also be the individual case officer. One may accept it and another would return or request another form.
I just hope there is some sense of compassion from CIC ( I know, I know). Why do the forms at the top say type or print in black ink?
Anytime! Sorry I can't be of more help...marcopolocan said:Thanks Bagel
All I can do is wait now and hope that CIC reply to the email.
Thanks for your help
biggest mistake. Definately you will get back your file without barcodesmarcopolocan said:Thanks Bagel
You've been very supportive and positive. I really appreciate it. But apparently some others are saying that the electronic validation method may not be mandatory but preferred. So there may be a glimmer of hope that I did use the new forms just did not validate.
I guess there were too many apps going to Sydney in July and this will hopefully speed things up for other sydneyiters :