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Nov 11, 2008
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art2012 said:
Medicines r not covered,doctors dont spend much time on patients n medical coverage projected to attract people,loop holes no one knows except doctors n if they try to talk then labelled as etc etc........
Immigrant doctors r not absorbed inspite of shortage n these docs r settling for lower jobs or alternative decent jobs,its their choice i dont want to comment on this.look from country's point of view.third world countries r producing doctors n facing brain drain while western countries r getting proffesionals in class 2 or class3 jobs.then these countries boast later that even our class 2 people r better than any third world countries class 2 or 3 people.
In provinces such as BC, medicine is covered under the fair pharmacare plan but newcomers have to submit a notarized affidavit to the health authority. Compare to the cities I visited in the top 50 cities in my link, I don't find Canadian doctors spend less time on patient.


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Mar 1, 2012
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Hi Canooknic,

ur case is a medical mistake clearly( i feel sorry for that),whereas the eg i gave is a blunder.breast abscess is often missed in lactating mother,whereas appendicitis is a clear cut diagnosis n rarely missed unless atypical n even atypical ones sd b diagnosed within 24rhs otherwise complications set in.complications of undiagnosed breast abscess in lactating mother r not life threatening,its another abscess for mother n deprivation of milk for baby( ur case babies) and baby will b deprived of breast milk for longer period if early diagnosis is missed.whereas appendicitis if missed quickly progresses to rupture n this ruptures releases chemicals n bacteria from intestine into abdominal cavity n these can eat intestines in no time n can take life.unlike many bacteria,intestinal bacteria r one of the deadliest ones n quite challenging to control at times.after treatment breast abscess leaves small scar n deprived breast milk baby can lead normal life,on the other hand missed appendicitis which sets into peritonitis(abdominal inf),where whole abdomen is cut open n long scar even well healed one can lead to late complications like hernia(yrs later).

When mistakes n blunders happen anywhere in the world, in any field( although blunders least expected in developed countries),root cause need to be found,lessons need to be learnt n corrective measures need to b taken. And im worried as new immigrant doctor n as a common person( availing medical facilities) as i kw THIS IS TIP OF ICEBERG,more is yet to come if medical system is not corrected n i dont see any hope under the given scenario of battle between existing doctors n the govt.i feel sorry for new immigrant doctors n common people of canada.the spine chilling thing is, the govt is coming with certain strategies to cover the shortage n satisfy demands of people,which any common man cannt understand n these strategies will further deteriorate the existing medical system.both existing doctors n govt r playing political game,both knows their strength n strategies to win.

While time will tell the fate of canadian medical system,we need to watch n see who will win n hw,shame is both r playing games with health of common people n using common people as weapons for their mean benefits.

While immigrant doctors r finding their alternative ways, common people dont want to listen or talk of terrible things, where is canada leading...........
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Nov 11, 2008
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Hey art2012,

To avoid the same confusion from happening again, you should really type your message outside the quoted message of other posters. If things doesn't looks right, you can always modify it.

art2012 said:
Canooknic said:
Of course things like this unfortunately happen, but they can happen everywhere. Its not acceptable, but it happens.
A misdiagnosis in England stopped me from breast feeding my newborn twins because what I was told was a 'just a common spot' turned out to be an abscess - I went to 2 GPs on 3 consecutive days because the pain was so severe and it was only my persistence (& Google!) that got someone to listen to me!!

I know people need to understand how hard it is moving here but instead of pointing out all the terrible things about Canada, how about if we all try to tell people what options they have to try and avoid them??

For example, mobile phones are expensive here but you can get a $100 pay-as-you-go credit with Telus and it doesn't expire for 365 days, not 30 days like it used to.

Hi Canooknic,

ur case is a medical mistake clearly( i feel sorry that),whereas the eg i gave is a blunder.breast abscess is often missed in lactating mother,whereas appendicitis is a clear cut diagnosis n rarely missed unless atypical n even atypical ones sd b diagnosed within 24rhs otherwise complications set in.complications of undiagnosed breast abscess in lactating mother r not life threatening,its another abscess for mother n deprivation of milk for baby( ur case babies) and baby will b deprived of breast milk for longer period if early diagnosis is missed.whereas appendicitis if missed quickly progresses to rupture n this ruptures releases chemicals n bacteria from intestine into abdominal cavity n these can eat intestines in no time n can take life.unlike many bacteria,intestinal bacteria r one of the deadliest ones n quite challenging to control at times.after treatment breast abscess leaves small scar n deprived breast milk baby can lead normal life,on the other hand missed appendicitis which sets into peritonitis(abdominal inf),where whole abdomen is cut open n long scar even well healed one can lead to late complications like hernia(yrs later).

When mistakes n blunders happen anywhere in the world ( although blunders least expected in developed countries),root cause need to be found,lessons need to be learnt n corrective measures need to taken. And im worried as new immigrant doctor n as a common person( availing medical facilities) and i kw THIS IS TIP OF ICEBERG,more is yet to come if medical system is not corrected n i dont see any hope under the given scenario of battle between existing doctors n the govt.i feel sorry for new immigrant doctors n common people of canada.the spine chilling thing is, the govt is coming with certain strategies to cover the shortage n satisfy demands of people,which any common man cannt understand n these strategies will further deteriorate the existing medical system.both existing doctors n govt r playing political game,both knows their strength n strategies to win.

While time will tell the fate of canadian medical system,we need to watch n see who will win n hw,shame is both r playing games with health of common people n using common people as weapons for their mean benefits.

While doctors r finding their alternative ways, common people dont want to listen or talk of terrible things, where is canada leading...........


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Mar 1, 2012
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steaky said:
Hey art2012,

To avoid the same confusion from happening again, you should really type your message outside the quoted message of other posters. If things doesn't looks right, you can always modify it.

I did some change n its ok now.


Hero Member
Jun 28, 2009
androme said:
Well people should know the facts and truth and if that scares them then its a fear that is extremely neccessary and important. One of the main reason for this person in question to come to Canada is "pure drinking water" and I just wanted him to know the truth. I wasn't embelishing the fact nor was I manipulating it or lying to him. If the truth scares him and helps him take a better decision then I think its a good thing. But North Americans are pretty damnned for thinking that they have everything perfect and the best. Seems like the only information that is available to people outside Canada and who wishes to immigrate is all rosy and positive ones. They don't have any information or a clear picture of what life realy is over here. Admittedly, if you work hard and make some sacrifices there is a high chance that your life would be better off than whereever you immigrated from (depending on your situation over there and your definition of a "good life"). However, I think people should have access to both good and bad picturte of Canada to enable them to take an 'Informed decision". Even for people who are in Canada. For Instance, the car insurance or the mobile phone charges in Canada can be quite shocking to lot of people. Its so bad compare to lot of third world and other countries that some people feel stiffled and forced to abide by the charges. They fell forced to shell out the costs for these services if they wanna have an average comfortable living. Not luxury, however comfortable living. Now this might make people feel more dissapointed and also a failure. There are lots of countries where the insurance payment is included in the overall cost of the vehichle that they purhchase. This ensures that they are insured and they dont ahve to shell out $200 (on average) a month to insurance cos. In the case of mobile ph, the incomings are not charged in most part of the world. However, in Canada you are not only charged for incoming, you are also nickeled and dimed for anything that they can think about. All this adds to the negative experience of a Canadian life. I am talking about a regular person with an anverage or below average pay. The mortgage situation is another scam that I have heard a lot of people talk about and are dissapointed about. If you wanna pay off your mortgage sooner or earlier than planned, YOU ARE FINED. just like you are fined if you pay it late (which is okay). ALl this effects a person or family living on average pay and majority of the immigrants are on average pay jobs. The reason why Canadian cos and the govt can afford to get away with all these unscrupulous practices is becoz the so called "Canadian citizens" are compkascent and go about their regular life like nothing is happening and that everything is fine and dandy.

Look at the medical care sitution. We are only 33 million people in the country. There is a reservoir of talents and qualified doctors both who are educated in and outsidfe Canada. However, the wait timings are so high. Sorry so artificially high. The Medical care is in dire situation so much so that access to a doctor and hospital is even worse than compared to some developing nations and I am not talking about access for minor issues. All this so that they can privatize the medical care just like in the United States. I mean think about it, why wouldn't the insurance cos lobby our govt to privatize the health care system. Before they privatise it, they would wanna build up a case which refelcts that the public health care system is not working due to govt "REGULATION And INTERFERENCE". Infact they have already started doing that. Now you can say that no one's forcing you to come to Canada. I agree,however when people set out lookiing for a better life and when the information available is all skewed to make things look all rosy and dandy, you are bound to fall into the great white north trap and bound to feel dissappointed.
Very well said Androme! The $200 for insurance is on the low side for those of us in Ontario, $400/month would be more like it. Plus, you forgot to add how, if you use gas for heating, you still have to pay the gas company (Enbridge) a fixed amount during the warmer months when the central heating is switched off;supposedly so they can maintain the pipelines, pay their staff etc. Never had of such utter rubbish, but complacent Canadians have no problem whatsoever with it.

@Canooknic I believe Androme has answered your question about why I find Canadians' complacency so maddening....
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Hero Member
Jun 28, 2009
art2012 said:

U have really made good analysis of certain things,i agree with many things u have mentioned.thanks a lot for bringing awareness on certain aspects.

"Canada is just another country with its pros n cons".many new immigrants think its better in all aspects in comparision to their countries.canada has definite negative things which many people learn only after coming while other r either ignorant about or doesnt want to accept or not affected(less probability in certain aspects).positive things like cleanliness,human rights,nature's beauty,low pollution etc etc r very attractive,however on the down side the country has drawbacks and middle class person is the one who is bearing the brunt of it.

The best time for immigrants to analyse things is during settlement time,during this time comparision dss as facts.

1.mobile phones --prepaid credit lasts only one mth,one cant continue credit for longer period( possible in other countries). its not based on usage.new immigrant with less network, surviving on savings is the biggest loser here.companies like rogers have got cancellation charges which i have never heard of before,this company also notorious for wrong bills( not expected in developed countries).

Well said Art! BTW, I just wanted to let you know that 7-Eleven speakout is a mobile operator, where if you're on their prepaid option, you airtime expires exactly a year from the day it was purchased. But just like every other mobile operator in Canada, it has its own short-comings but IMO, it's still the best deal in Canada.


Hero Member
Jun 28, 2009
"It is understandable for us "Canadians" to feel offended when criticized however that is the unfortunate truth. Canada is not the place for advanced degree holders. That is very unfortunate for the future of our country."

Sooooo true!


Hero Member
Jun 28, 2009
androme said:
This is so not fair to say glowingheart. The real issue over here is that, People who immigrate are mostly from countries where there is a social, economic, political problem. However, all these issues might not be effecting everyone unless its a widespread political and economical problem. Some people might immigrate becoz of social problem. I know someone who was leading a realy well to do life in a developing country. However, she left coz her family was not happy with her having a boyfrined and her overall thinking just didnt match the wavelength of her own people. So she immigrated with her boyfirned and later got married here. Now that was a social problem. The problem over ehre is that the west keeps marketing themselves as the land of freedom, opportunity, equality and the best of everything through movies, and other media outlets. People being fed up of their current situation gets lured by these marketing tactics and decide to immigrate only to find out that they made a mistake. No matter what the situation is HOME IS HOME and if you are born somewhere, you are better off trying hard to make it at HOME than immigrating at this day and age. Immigration sure is an education. Even if you get a job, you notice so much of discrimination both which are direct and indirect. On top of all the problems you might face at home, the west actually interferes in your internal matters and makes it worse and then points fingures at the developing nations and glorifies the western nations culture, traditions etc. The political game that the west plays with other nations mixed with economical objectives is very dirty and destructive. No one stands to gain out of this coz we are all stuck on this planet. To be more specific, we are all stuck in this 30% land and we better learn to respect each others ways and learn to coexist or we all dorwn in the rest of the 70% water that this planet is made of.

The common man of west has got so much of misconception about an immigrant from a developing nation. This only becoz they beleive very convenienly whatever the media shows them. If you ae from X country, you are sure to be a terrorist or a supporter of terrorist. If you are from Y country you are sure to live on WELFARE, If you are from Z country, your english is not going to be at PAR no matter what you do. The govt can do lots to stem these misconception. They can use the same media outlets and run ads (infact the immigration dept should do this) to teach the common man some basic social decency and behaviour. They can run ads which tells the OLD IMMIGRANTS or the so called Canadians to respect a new immigrant and not to ignore them or bully them by indirectly making remarks about their accent or culture or way of living. Infact teach the regular population onhow to make the newcomers life in Canada and their integration easier and smoother. This can be done by making it easier for qualified people to get jobs etc faster. The new immigrants on their part can try to accomodate their way of living into the Canadian way of living faster and try not to be rigid when it comes to culture, religion etc. I have heard that the Danish govt shows a video to all new immigrants about the social, cultural and political nature of the danish society (NOt sure if its danish or the Dutch). apparently they show gays kissing among other things to help the new immigrants ADJUST to their ways. Just like that the regular citizens should also be reminded on how to behave with the new comers. It shoudl work both ways. Instead of being hell bent on CANADIAN EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION the employers should give a fair chance to the new immigrant. Interview them, put them on a probationary plan maybe for a month or two more than the regular Canadians or the OLD IMMIGRANTS and see how these people perform. If not what's the point of beating your drums about this being the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. My ideas could be categorized as UTOPIAN by sceptics. However, I think these are things that a society should do to sustain itself before people tear each other out with hatred.

WOOW! Androme, your insight is awesome! I'm so impressed to see someone who sees things as they truly are and not as it is being presented to distort the truth! You have a first class intellect; +1 from me!

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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ADUFE said:
"It is understandable for us "Canadians" to feel offended when criticized however that is the unfortunate truth. Canada is not the place for advanced degree holders. That is very unfortunate for the future of our country."

Sooooo true!
This looks like my quote
Dr Eng X said:
Every where there are rich people. Every where there are good and bad. There is no perfection. It is understandable for us "Canadians" to feel offended when criticized however that is the unfortunate truth. Canada is not the place for advanced degree holders. That is very unfortunate for the future of our country. I have known many cases of great disappointments.


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Nov 11, 2008
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ADUFE said:
Very well said Androme! The $200 for insurance is on the low side for those of us in Ontario, $400/month would be more like it. Plus, you forgot to add how, if you use gas for heating, you still have to pay the gas company (Enbridge) a fixed amount during the warmer months when the central heating is switched off;supposedly so they can maintain the pipelines, pay their staff etc. Never had of such utter rubbish, but complacent Canadians have no problem whatsoever with it.

@ Canooknic I believe Androme has answered your question about why I find Canadians' complacency so maddening....
I also use gas the cook my food.


Hero Member
May 25, 2012
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Pls Marcus if u feel this unhappy about Canada why not denounce ur PR and go back home. I believe in your excitement to leave your home country u didnt plan urself well enough take time to research Canada and how u can fit in. I know a lot of successful immigrant so is left to you what u wanna be, u are stil very young where i come from 34 is like just starting life so be positive.


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Oct 12, 2012
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Mid Of September !!!
ADUFE said:
Let me also quote servicecanada on why you need a network :

"Why Do I Need a Network?

Have you ever heard the expression:
"It's not what you know, but who you know?"

Your skills, abilities and knowledge are keys to landing a job, but they may not help get your foot in the door. Most jobs are in the hidden job market, positions that employers hope to fill through personal contacts."

Here's the link for anyone who wants to read more on the subject : http://www.jobsetc.gc.ca/pieces.jsp?category_id=370
well said !!!!! but the law the companies should advertise the job initially, isn't it ?


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Sep 20, 2010
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mr.Hope said:
well said !!!!! but the law the companies should advertise the job initially, isn't it ?
I don't think there is a law that says companies need to advertise their vacancies. My fiancée applied for a job, and they called him to say he hadnt been successful but that they had sent his CV to a friend at another company - where he now works! His job was never advertised externally, they were looking to recruit from within the business


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May 27, 2010
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mr.Hope said:
well said !!!!! but the law the companies should advertise the job initially, isn't it ?
almost all companies post jobs internally first
this way employees can either apply for the position or refer friends and lots of companies pay a referral bonus to their employees

if the jobs are not filled this way they will post externally
this saves a lot of legwork for the HR department
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