I ordered my ATIP notes twice. First time was in January (my file went into In process in December) and it showed that my file has moved to Saskatoon. Security was not started then. Then I ordered my ATIP notes in February and it showed some extra info about security (security screening details will be greyed out because it is not released to public) but it said started/in process. It also said my case was assigned to an officer for test scheduling and I received test date feb 22.
I have also read somewhere in this forum, it showed more info for them about finger print request. It will be lot of pages and somewhat confusing but if you spend sometime reading it, it will give some idea as to what’s happening with your file and what’s the reason behind delay (possibly). Hope this helps.
Also if you order under privacy act for yourself it’s free. Takes about 30 days to receive it and it will be generated on the date of submission. So if you order it today, you will get it in 30 days (choose email delivery) and it will have information about your file up until today.